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harpfin: okay, i have a rant to make on the recent eonline article that was recently written about me and tomholland96. sorry to spam you, but i need to get it out.


harpfin: first of all, marvel never confirmed that there was a love interest between my character and tom's. all they said in the tweet was that there is a possibility, but either way, you shouldn't assume.


harpfin: and secondly, about the context of tom's comment, anthony mackie tagged him in my picture and tried to coax him into saying i'm pretty. while i appreciate the compliment, you took it completely out of-


harpfin: -context. and MINOR TV ACTRESS?? i've been on game of thrones, which has been nominated countless times for emmys, since i was ELEVEN. to say that i am a minor actress is insulting.


harpfin: and besides, i don't just do tv shows. I was in x-men: apocalypse, in case you've forgotten. the last thing i'm going to talk about is how you demote my character to just being a love interest. ive only-


harpfin: -just gotten the script, and i probably shouldn't even be saying this, but athena is anything BUT simply a love interest. she is a round, complex character, and if you ask me, every female in the franchise-


harpfin: -is referred to as a love interest. my character in apocalypse, wren cassidy, has already been picked apart by critics for being just a love interest to peter maximoff-


harpfin: -despite the fact that the movie hasn't even been released yet. so, to summarize, get your facts straight, eonline.

tomholland96: harpfin eonline i'm sorry for what the article said about you, harper. i never meant for you to be written badly about from the comment.

im in study hall rn so y'all get a double update, thanks for 100 reads!!

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