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T E X T S  B E T W E E N  'H A R P 🐸 ☕️'

A N D  'T O M M Y 🕸 🕷'

harp☕️🐸: that e!news article was so stupid oh my god

tommy🕷🕸: i can't believe they said that you were just a love interest

tommy🕷🕸: like, your character is so much more than that

tommy🕷🕸: after all, you've kicked my ass so far in stunt rehearsals. when they add the special strength and agility effects, they're gonna take it back

harp☕️🐸: thanks tom

harp☕️🐸: but what im more concerned about is that they think we have chemistry when we obviously don't lol

harp☕️🐸: it's not like you have a crush on me

tommy🕷🕸: READ 11:46 PM

harp☕️🐸: you don't, right?

Tom had typed yeah, i do actually, into the box, but before he sent it, he sighed and deleted it.

tommy🕷🕸: no, of course not

tommy🕷🕸: that would be weird

tommy🕷🕸: we're just friends

harp☕️🐸: lol good

tommy🕷🕸: READ 11:48 PM

harp☕️🐸: we're starting filming soon

tommy🕷🕸: yeah i know

harp☕️🐸: i heard from seb that the apartment scene is one of the first ones to be filmed

harp☕️🐸: you know what that means

tommy🕷🕸: the kiss?

harp☕️🐸: yeah

harp☕️🐸: will it be weird?

harp☕️🐸: you know, for us to kiss

tommy🕷🕸: no of course not

tommy🕷🕸: chris told me that we'll be rehearsing that scene specifically in the next week

harp☕️🐸: oh

harp☕️🐸: I never heard that lol

harp☕️🐸: it's no big deal

tommy🕷🕸: you're right

tommy🕷🕸: we're just acting

harp☕️🐸: yeah, but itll just be weird for us to be making out while everyone is watching

harp☕️🐸: like i feel that it'll just be awkward

tommy🕷🕸: well there's nothing we can really do about that

harp☕️🐸: maybe there is

harp☕️🐸: maybe we could practice

Tom found himself smiling as his thumbs danced above the keys, trying to figure out what to reply.

tommy🕷🕸: are you saying you want to kiss me, harper?

harp☕️🐸: you wish, thomas

harp☕️🐸: for professional purposes, of course

tommy🕷🕸: so you DONT want to kiss me?

harp☕️🐸: shut up, spider-boy

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