:Loki joins chat

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(The Avengers have entered chat)

(Katniss entered)

(Effie entered)

(Peeta entered)

Tony:  ok. so. should we let someone join who has  trapped in something since we defeated him?

Thor: hmm. brother would like to join us.

Katniss: you have a brother?!

Thor: yes Lady Everdeen, I do.

Natasha: yeah, he's not exactly the nicest of guys...

Steve: he tried to take over the world once...

Clint:  so we have him in a cage thingy.

Peeta: so what your saying is that you have locked a psycho Asgaurdian in a cage because he tried to take over the world.

Bruce: yup. that's exactly what they're saying,  sadly

Effie: hmmm. thats- interesting.....

Effie: anyone up for tea

Tony: no.

Effie: cookies?

Tony: na-da!

Effie: a mahogany table


(Effie left)

(Loki has joined chat)

Loki: what thor?

Peeta: so. your Thor's brother

Loki: I am not his brother

Natasha: face it Loki. your his brother. just because you don't want to admit it doesn't mean you aren't!

Loki: why do you want me here?

Katniss: Tony suggested we have you join the chat.

Loki: Why am I not surprised?

Bruce: Gotta go. oh Nat, Clint,  Katniss,  and Peeta, wanna watch the hunger games


Katniss: sure.

Peeta: count me in

Natasha:  sure.

(Peeta left)

(Clint left)

(Natasha left)

(Bruce left )

(Katniss left)

(Tony left)

Loki: HEY!

Thor: come brother.

(Loki left)

(Thor left)

Steve:  ugh. see yah.

(Steve left)

authors note:

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