"Chapter 1:: Time to go.

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My mom looks at me and sighs. "Anastasia your going to London. You've always wanted to go there right?"
"Not like this mom. Not like this. I wanted to move in to a flat with Hailey and Miranda! Not going off and living with someone I don't even fucking know." Shit. I just cussed in front of my mother. My good, Catholic mother.
My mom's eyes grow wide and the next thing I know is that I'm on the ground. my cheek stings. my mother slapped me. she slapped me.
I get up and look at my mother. no. not my mother. this..this thing that finally came out. the real her.
I don't even know what I'm doing. I just run. run out of the house.
CRASH! I run into a body.
"Dammit. I'm so sorry! I...." I start to say but I'm interrupted.
"It's alright love"
I look up and come face to face with.... a girl. I'd say a 2 years older than me. Probably 18. She's wearing a vintage dress with a bow on the side. very expensive.
I look down at my sweats and T-shirt and suddenly feel self conscious.
She's looking at me. What do I do? I stick out my hand.
"I'm Ana." I hate the name Anastasia it's so girly! I mean, I'm not a girl who hangs out with guys or anything but Anastasia is so old and frufru even the girliest of girls have to cross a line sometime!
The girl hesitantly takes my hand.
"My name is Celeste and I am here to take you to London."
Oh god. She's so posh like what the hell. wait... did she just say...
"Take me to London," I yelp.
"Well, love of course I am." she looks puzzled.
Right when my language is about to get creative, my 'mom' comes out.
"Well of course Anastasia she's here to take you to London! You will be leaving today."
She smiles. That wicked witch actually smiles. I want to slap her.
But instead I say, "But I haven't packed. I haven't even told Miranda and Hailey!"
My mother just looks at me.
"You have a phone Anastasia! That's why I paid for it!"
I roll my eyes. "You didn't pay a single fucking penny for my damn phone" it feels good to say what I feel.
"And what about my clothes?"
That's when Celeste buts in.
"when we get to London were buying you a whole new wardrobe, but if you would like you can pack some clothes." She smiles at me. not a cruel, twisted smile. A kind, genuine smile.
I like her. Maybe if she stops being so posh we could be great friends.
I smile back. "Thanks."
Celeste ayes my 'mom' and says," why don't we go upstairs and pack?"
"Alright love maybe you should take a nap before the flight," Celeste suggests.
I nod and hop on my bed.
She turns to leave
"Celeste, thanks for everything. considering the situation."
She laughs and says, "Trust me love, it's not that bad."
Then she's gone and I drift into a deep sleep.

What did you guys think? Ik its short but I'm running out of battery, and I'm supposed to be cleaning my room so lol comment vote read
K bye Crazy mofos!

Ana to the side>>

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