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Oh My God you guys. 20 votes????? *_* WOW.  Thanks so much. Love ya and thanks for fanning!


Recap (paraphrased)::: I see two people in the driveway ones a blonde girl with blue tips on the ends and the other.....

I choke. 

Thats zayn malik.

Ana's P.O.V.

I look at Celeste. "Is this a joke?"

"What? Ana, I know this is odd but..."

"But what," i yell. She flinches at my sudden outburst but i dont care. How could she not tell me? She fucking knows i absolutely cannot stand One Direction and their stuck up, pricky personalities. I can't even listen to them without wanting to bang my head agaisnt the wall. Now i'm practically living with one of them? Well screw the practically, I AM LIVING WITH ONE OF THEM.

"Love, I know this is going to be a er...change but try it out will ya?"

I roll my eyes. "Celeste this is way more then a 'Change' this is torture that makes me want to die and i dont even know them!"

"Exactly! You don't know them! Don't be so quick to judge Ana." This time its her turn to roll her eyes. 

i just stay silent and cross my arms. 

"Are we going to get out or are you staying in my car?" she smirks, thinking she's won.

i manage a laugh. "I'd rather stay in the car, thanks." i put in my earbuds and turn them up to the loudest i can stand and turn on Try Hard by 5 seconds of summer.

"Ana. Get. Out. of. the. fucking. car. now." She says as calmly as possible seeing shes pissed. I smirk. "Hahahaha no."

She gets out fuming. I can see the steam coming out of her ears. Oh crud muffins. Shes coming over to my side. She opens the car door and pulls me out. 5SOS still in my ears and pulls me over to The devil himself and whoever his little toy for the day is. i turn 5SOS up louder as unpredictable comes on.

Celeste i assume introduces me but i cant hear it because of the music. I get lost in the words when the ear buds are ripped out of my ears.


Celeste looks at me calmly and says, "We are having a conversation Ana and we can hear the music all the way out here and i doubt you could hear us."

I roll my eyes. "Thats the point, hun."

Celeste tells me to introduce myself to Satan and his demon oops i mean Zayn and his sex slave oops i mean Zayn and his lady friend.

I look at Zayn. "Sup." I nod my head at him. "i'm Ana. and i know your the beautifully fabulous zayn malik who let fame get to his head." I smile with mock sweetness at him.

He just chuckles and says, "You like 5 seconds of summer?"

"No shit sherlock." I roll my eyes

"Ana!" Celeste scolds me.

"Celeste its fine we understand this is a surprise." The blonde girl pipes up.

She notices me looking at her and holds out her hand. 

"Hey I'm Perrie Edwards soon to be Malik of course." She smiles and looks at the prick. Oh so shes not his toy then...hmm....

I take her hand and say, "I'm Ana. wait.. i know who you are your from that group little mix. I like your song move." I smile at her.

"Aw thanks love!" She turns to Celeste. "Thanks Celeste ill call you tomorrow about the interview we should go get Ana settled."

Celeste takes that as her cue to leave. She does. Not even saying goodbye. That bitch of a friend.

"So Ana tell us about yourself" Zayn speaks up.

I just glare at him. "Shouldn't you know everything i mean...you are practically kidnapping me" i huff.

"Er... I guess thats a leave me alone sign then" he puts his hands in this pockets.

"Oh would you like me to be more obvious? ok. LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE YOU PRICK" i yell then go perfectly normal "Is that better for you?" I smile at him.

"Er.." He looks at Perrie for guidance. She just shrugs. "Ana why dont i take you to your room to unpack?" Perrie suggests I glare at Zayn and nod. Perrie leads me upstairs and all the way down a long hallway she opens a Tardis Blue colored door on the end.

A gasp escapes my lips. This room is just...no words. Oh my god. It has a twin bed but the best thing is...everything is covered in books. the room is basically made out of bookshelves. 

"Now I know it isn't glamourous but we heard you liked books so we let the decorator take from there if you dont like it-"

"DONT LIKE IT?! PERRIE I LOVE IT!" I hug her. "Thank you so much..its perfect. I don't need a glamorous bedroom just me and my books. Although i would prefer a bigger bed but i dont want to sound greedy!" Most teenage girls prefer the glamorous side. But i just want a place where i can go into my own world and this is the perfect place. 

Perrie let's out a sigh. "Thats good you have a walk in closet in your bathroom. It's just across the hall." My jaw drops. "i have my own bathroom?" She chuckles. "Well Duh Ana!""

I can't control myself i hug her. I dont realise it but im crying. Not sad crying happy crying. 

"Aw Babe what's wrong?" Perrie looks genuinely concerned.

"Actually nothing. I'm so happy this will be good when i...." Should i tell her about the depression? i mean ive been clean from cutting for a few weeks. Maybe later.

"When i just need to get away ya know?" 

She smiles. "Yea. I understand. I just might have to join you sometime." she winks at me and i laugh but suddenly turn serious. "You don't expect me to like, call you mom or anything because your only 5 years older than me ya know." 

"Of course not! Consider me like, your sister even though i am your legal guardian... Oh god thats weird." She makes a face and i laugh. My laughing is interrupted by four guys downstairs yelling 3 british 1 irish. Oh shit i guess the rest of them have come to kill me. 

"Where is this Ana?!?!" I hear one of them yell.



 10 votes for next chapter!

Haha. i hope this wasn't to short...  :/

Ah well. I was thinking i would make her like perrie just to make it a little more intense like if shes rude to zayn and stuff. So yea. 


Her room to the side>>>

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