Chapter Three

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Real quick, I've jut got to say how totally incredible you guys are. The comments and everything I've received in the past 48 hours have been the sweetest things ever. You all are great and I love you guys. Man I feel like I say that a lot.
Oh well.

"No!" Oliver cried in exasperation, wadding up yet another piece of parchment and throwing it at the wastebasket.

"Why is this so hard?" He asked, even though nobody was around. "It's just a letter saying yes. Ugh."

He pulled a fresh piece of parchment off the shelf above the desk and dipped his quill into the ink.

Percy, he wrote.

"Okay, good," he mumbled. "Keep it together, Oliver!"

Thanks for the offer. I'll have to see, though. I mean, I'll be needing something to do, of course. If I just go watch practice all the time, I'll get all depressed. Not joking.

Oliver studied the paper, and spur of the moment, he made a decision.

You know what? I think I'd enjoy that. If you were serious, I'll take you up on the offer. Just let me know what to do.

Thanks a million,


Sorry this one was short... ah well.
Plz vote/comment

Love you guys!

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