Chapter Eleven

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"Well... uh, thanks, Percy. They were good. I... had fun."

"Me too, Oliver. Me too. Um... your shirt..."

"Just keep it. I never even wear it. Not my type. My mum got it a few years ago and I think I've worn it once."

Not to mention it looks hot on you, Oliver thought. They'd just gotten back to his flat, and he still wasn't sure this was a date. He'd had fun, though.

"Thanks," Percy said, looking down.

Please kiss me, Oliver thought. Oh, Merlin. Now I sound like a pathetic thirteen year old girl.

"So..." Oliver trailed off, not really sure what he had wanted to say.

"So..." Percy repeated.

"Um-" Oliver started, and out of nowhere, Percy kissed him.

It was like a million fireworks went off in Oliver's stomach. This... this felt even better than when he blocked the last goal of the game and won the international championship last year for Puddlemere.

It was like a sip of hot chocolate on a freezing day - just enough to warm you up and make you feel good. It was like... like... it was perfect. They just fit so well. They-

Percy pulled away.

What Oliver felt then was like having his heart ripped directly from his chest, and so he did the only thing he could think of doing: he pulled Percy back to him.

And the feeling was back. Oliver's hands found Percy's neck and snaked their way into his hair. One of Percy's hands had found its way to Oliver's cheek, and he absentmindedly ran his thumb over Oliver's cheekbone.

After what felt like the quickest seconds and the longest hours at the exact same time, they broke apart.

Oliver smiled sheepishly at Percy, who blushed and smiled back.

"See you Monday," Percy whispered.

Oliver grinned even bigger. "See you Monday."

As soon as Percy disappeared down the sidewalk, Oliver slumped against his door, fireworks still going off inside his stomach. He didn't move for a good five minutes, but then finally got up to go inside and call Katie.

Okay I have a favor to ask of all the artists (digital, please) if any of y'all do that... if you do anything on deviantart or things like that and would be interested in doing me a favor (I'll give a shoutout in all my books and bio!!) please pm me!

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