It's Not Sauce It's S.O.S

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Ok and the *winners* for the "character audition goes to(drum roll please)..................... @JayC007 and gyxamxy39. I am greatful for all of you who commented a character.
Recap:But before I remebered where i heard that voice from,everything went black.

I woke up once again on a hospital bed. I looked over and saw Gray sleeping on the uncomfortable chair. "Graaaay" i mumbled. "5 more minutes" He mumbles back. I then through a pillow at his head. He got up so fast i thought he broke his neck. His face turnes red, thar happenes to both of us, if we get mad our eyes darken and our face goes tomoato red, its kinda scary. "What the-, C your awake!"
"Noooooo" i replied sarcastically.
"How are your feeling" "well seeing i still have this cast on, not very well".

*3 hours later*

After i got checked out and everything, Gray drove me back home. I really wanted to fight tonight, but you know why i cant. In case you guys didnt figure it out yet IM STILL IN A CAST. The doctors said my leg would heal in 6 months, but considering i get bruises worse than this, it will only take about a month. Gray carried me up to my room and layed me on the bed. The girl who stood up for me was still on my mind, questions were just filling up in my head, who was she? Why did she help me? Will she do it again? What was her motive? Does she just want me to do her homework? I stayed up most of the night thinking about that mystery girl that i barely had any sleep, maybe 2 or 3 hours by the most.

I woke up the next morning still determined to find out who she was. I put on my usual attire, and by usual i mean the complete opposite of what i usually wear. Gray drove me to school, helped me get out and everything. I feel bad that he is always helping me now so i tols him to go with his friends, he seemed a little hesitant at first, but he finally gave in. I rolled my way over to my locker when I saw a girl there, theb i though "great another person to bully me". I slowly rolled to my locker avoides as much people in the hall way as possible. The girl at my locker faced me and said " Hi i'm Meggy Roman, i came to this school yesterday, and i was wondering if you want to be my friend"
I just stood- wait no lemme rephrase that, i just sat there astonished by her question. "Are you su-sure" i said stuttering realizing im still a nerd. "Ya why not" " um ok then". I still wasnt sure about this, i was cautious because it could just be a dare. I took this time to take in her appearence, she was a little short, she was 5'1 (155 cm) , with long, wavy brown hair, she had fairly nice tan skin, but with my sharp eyes i can tell her skin was a couple shades lighter, that made me question why she would put on the wrong foundation, any way and she had one pair of earings in, but i saw she had about 5 piercings on each ear, to put all of this in a way, she was fairly pretty. "And you are?" Meggy said grabbing me out of my thoughts. "Oh im sorry, Crystal May" "oooh you have such a lovely name" "oh th-thanks" i said suprised because noone other than my family memebers said that to me.
"What do you have for first period" Meggy asked me
"Um i have math"
"Oooooh me too, how come i didnt see you yesterday"
"Its ok, i get that alot" i said with no emotion in my face.
She looked taken back by the answer and recovered back in a coulle seconds. Meggy wheeled me to math. She sat next to me the whole period and it was pretty funny. She kept talking about how she could literally see Mr. Fanny's(math teacher) toupee sliding down the rolls on his head, ooh and how Stacy thought s.o.s is pronouced sauce, any one would know its not sauce, it's S.O.S

It is now last period and i was actually having a good day........untill i remebered James is coming over for the project. I texted my mom and dad to not come home early.

Bold- Crstal's dad
Normal- Crystal

Crystal 💎- Hey dad, my partner for my project is coming over today, so i need you and mom not to come home because they might know who you guys are.

Dad🏈- Ok iv been planning to take your mom to lá,vernia anyway.

Crystal 💎- lá, vernia?

Dad 🏈- ya you know the resturant that just opened yeaterday

Crsytal 💎- oh that one- wait isnt that your restaurant 😑

Dad🏈- ya so 😏😑

Crystal 💎- 😐 this is why i dont like texting you

Dad 🏈- 😂😂

Crystal 💎- ok.....bye dad

Meggy asked can she come over to my house today, but of course i dont trust her enough yet, i told her some other time and just made up a really good excuse.Gray texted me he got detention for cussing out the teacher, so i guess i have no ride now.

Right now i am making my way to my car- oh im so stupid, i cant drive like this.
Uuuuuuggh now i gotta wheel my self home.

James P.O.V⬇

My squad and I were walking to our cars when we saw the nerd probably going home in her wheelchair. I may be a jerk, but thats just sad. "Dang i feel bad for her, she has to wheel chair herself home" said one of the twins. The twins are probably the nicest out of the group, but they will get down and dirty if they have to. "Hey james, why don't you give her ride, i mean you both are heading to the same place". "Uuuuuugh fine, but you owe me" I said. We then started heading over the the struggling nerd.
"Hey wanna ride" Mason asked(one of the twins)
"Um, n-no im f-fine" She then started to roll but she accidentally got her finger stuck on the wheel chair's wheels
"Fuck" she tried to whisper, but horribly failed.
"You dont look fine" said Carter(one of the twins)
They both started rolling her to my car.
"Stop i cant leave my car" she blurted out
"Wait if you have a car, then why are you not driving it" said Cam

We looked at the nerd in her wheel chair, then looked back at Cam, waiting for him to figure it out while we all, including the nerd made this face 😐. "Oooooooooh" Cam said just realizing it.
"Where is your car il drive it" said Mason.
"Around the back" she replied
"Uuuugh why so faaaar" Mason and Carter pouted.
The nerd gave the car key to the twins and they ran to the back. We heard a "beep" and then we saw mason in a beauty smiling and astonished at the same time. We did not expect to see what we saw. We saw Mason in a 2017 Ford Mustang. " um i think you got the wrong car" Jay said. "No he didn't, thats the right one" the nerd said like its the most common thing ever. Damn how rich is she.
"HOW DO YOU HAVE MY DREAM CAR" Carter said touching all over her car.
We helped her put her wheel chair in her trunk and while i was carrying her, i felt the most sexiest curviest curves i have ever felt.

We startes driving to her house and even though i have seen it before, it still mesmerizes me because it is like 2 times bigger than mine. I guess it's time to start the project.


Find the different one

Hey guys hope you like this chapter, i feel like my story got on the boring side because nothing has really happened yet.

Iv decided, i will update.................. When ever i want to. Hahaha(evil laugh) pls pls pls comment and vote.
I took a long time to update didnt i

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