Lost and Found Part 2

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They swung me on the floor and I hit the concrete. Hard. I scraped my knee and started bleeding. I looked around for my friends, but they were nowhere in sight.

"EW I didn't know a person could be this ugly" Someone from the other school said.

Someone kicked me in my side and I spat out blood.

Both schools start laughing at the blood stained girl on the floor. Which you already know is me.

Someone picked me up. I thought they were going to help me, but instead they punched the living shit out of me. To be honest, the punches I get from the ring are harder. Compared to that, this is baby food.

Where are the damn teachers and my friends when I actually need them? Someone else picked me up and just pushed me into somebody.

That somebody helped me up. I closed my eyes ready for the impact. I didn't feel anything so I opened my eyes. I looked up the person who didn't do anything. I stared into his eyes and he looked down at mines. I start crying out of nowhere. I recognize him almost immediately.

"J-J?" I asked with hope in my eyes.

"How do you know my nickname?" The guy asked with confusion in his eyes.

I realized that he didn't recognize me.

"I-I'm sorry,wrong person, i have to go" I said as i released myself from his arms and started running away.

"Wait, Crystal!?!?!?!" The guy yelled.

I stop mid-run. I turn around.

"You remember?"I asked with tears filling my eyes.

"Of course, how could i forget your face......how could i forget the face of my dear twin little sister?" Jordan asked while walking near me.

"Twin?!? Little Sister?!?" The schools yell.

"Now that i actually look, they kinda do look alike" i heard someone say.

I run to him and hugs him into a deep up, what last for what felt like hours, but only a few seconds.

Both if the schools are confused at what just happened. Jordan and I walk away from the crowd as they are staring at us.

Once we went to a area where no one could hear us, we stopped walking.

"I can tell you want to say something, just say it, i'll answer" Jordan told me calmly.

"H-how are you here" I asked him.

I am surprised he actually remembered my face. I recognized his face almost immediately, so i guess i'm not the one to talk. Before Jordan had a chance to answer my question, realization hit me.

"I'm sorry, i'm so so sorry, i'm so sorry, it's all my fault" I just kept apologizing.

"I'ts ok, you did nothing wrong, I don't blame you for what happened. Don't blame yourself for someone you couldn't have avoided. I mean we didn't know those guys would be there. Even said that's all in the past now, What's important is that i'm here now" Jordan comforted me.

"You know I could avoided it, why are you trying to make me seem like the good guy here. If only i listened to you and not went outside like mom and dad said." I choked out.

Jordan hushed me.

"Remember, it's all in the past now."

"How are you here,how did you get free?" I asked him.

"Why don't we find a more private place to catch up" Jordan suggests.

"Sure, we can go to my house, right after we pick up mom, dad, and Mark. You can catch up with us, oh and Gray too."

"Gray remembers me"

"Well not exactly, i told him about you"

I could feel Gray watching us from a corner.

"You can come out you know" I told him.

Gray cautiously stepped out and walked towards us. Gray and Jordan did the bro hug thing like they've known each other for years.

"Let's go in my car to pick up mom, dad, and Mark at the airport, since you guys rode the bus here" Jordan suggested.

"Ok" Gray and I said.

We walked over to the back of the school, avoiding the crowd as much as possible.

"You guys are totally twins" Gray said as he saw Jordan walking over to a Lamborghini the same exact color and pattern on it. You only can have that style if your ask someone to paint it that way, so it's one of a kind.

"Here's some joggers" Jordan gave me as he saw my blooded knee.

"Oh, uh thanks"

"Does this type of stuff happen often" He asked me.

I looked down at the floor.

Jordan gripped the handle of the car door.

"Crystal you drive" Jordan told me.

"Ok, buckle up ladies" Jordan and I said at the exact same time. We all started bursting out laughing. Jordan and I sat in the front, which mean Gray pouted as he sat in the back. 

James P.O.V 

Meggy, my friends and I were walking out of the building and saw a huge crowd. We walked over there so see what was happening. I saw Crystal hugging some guy and that got my blood boiling. Speaking of blood. Why is Crystal bleeding.

"Why is she bleeding" Jay asked somebody.

"Duuude, you totally missed it, that shit was epic bro. Some girls brought that ugly nerd into the center, and people just started kicking and punching her,oh and she bumped into some dude and emotional stuff happened bro" The guy with a surfer accent said.

"Who did that stuff to her" Jay continued asking.

The guy started pointing out who and Jay and the twins went over there and started beating them up.

"Who's Crystal hugging" Cam asked.

I  shrugged my shoulders. I could only see the back of the guy's head.

"She already knew i like her, so if she wants to act like a hoe let her" I said.

"Dude chill, i'm sure she has a good explanation for this" Justin said.

"I don't even care anymore, let's just go" I said as i turned around.The moment I turned around, i felt a sharp stinging sensation on my cheek. I just slapped by Meggy.

"What the hell was that for" I yelled at her.

"You will never in your life, call my best friend a hoe, got that!" 

I gave her a cold glare. Snickered. Then walked past her, making sure to hit her elbow.


There, i hoped you liked that chapter....because you guys will truly hate me for what i am going to put in the next chapter :)

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