"Its Time"

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We all went to out next period. Which I just found out we all have together. The guys skip class so much, that I never knew.

We walked to the Gym all cool and stuff, you know with the spotlight on us and everything. Every few seconds, I would glance over to Justin and see him glancing over to Meggy.

"What ya looking at Justin?" I teased, startling him.

Justin quickly looked away and blushed at my sudden out birst. When we walked into the gym, all eyes we on us. The coach didn't even bother asking us where we and just told us to get dressed for P.E.

"You guys can go, James and I will catch up with y'all later" I told them.

They looked confused, but they complied with my orders. Meygy turned around and winked at me as she was walking, and the only response she got from me was and eye roll and a view of my middle finger.

I pulled James into a secluded place far far away from the gym......I pulled him into the Janitor's closet.

"If you wanted to be alone with me, you could've just asked" James smirked.

I hit the wall behind him.

" Ooh kinky, I like where this is going" He continued.

I leaned in, put my hands on his shoudlers , bit my lip,...........................and head butted him right I'm the center of his forehead.

"Oooow what was that for" He whined while rubbing his temple.

"You have to shut your mouth and be more careful" I warned him.


I creaked open the door and looked around to see of anybody was listening to our conversation.

"You said "Are all you friends pretend nerds" when we were in the class with Meggy."

"I did? Sorry"

"That was a weak ass sorr- you know what, ok, just make sure a slip-up like this never happenes again. I don't need any more people knowing i'm toxic paralyzer"

"Yes ma'am" James soluted to me.

I reached my hand out and opened the janitor's closet. I was welcomed with a wide eyed Jay, Cam, Mason, Carter, and Justin.

I looked over to Meggy with her mouthing "sorry".

"Fuck, how much did you guys hear" I asked.

"Oh, not much, just that your the world renowned undefeated street fighter Toxic Paralyzer" Mason and Carter said at the same time.

"Shit" I cursed.

I stepped one step closer to them.

"They (except Meggy and James), stepped one step further away from me.

"A-are you guys scared of me" I questioned.

They all fell dead silent.

"THIS is awesome, another one of out best friends is a street fighter" Justin whisper yelled.

"Another?" Meggy asked.
"Bestfriend" I added on.

"DUUude, shut UuUp" Jay punched Justin in the arm.

"Whaaaaat, she told you, the right thing for you to do is to tell her too" Justin said while comforting his beloved arm.

"Spill" Meggy said.

"*sigh*, you think we should" James asked the guys.

"Ya, I guess" Jay agreed.

"Ok, well as you don't know, I am the street fighter beast chaser" James said.

"Aaand I'm blue Jay" Jay announced proudly.

"Oh my gosh, when we were at the race, you were the person who was saying shit fuck, I'm sad, then Meggy and I finished with "gotta blast"." I said bursting out laughing.

"Meggy didn't say that, Percedid" James said, turning to Meggy, as so did every body else. Meggy persed her lips together and glared at me.
I opened my mouth realizing what I just exposed.

IMPORTANT NOTE:From here on out, I realized that Meggy's street fighting name Jay is the same as James' brother's name , so I officially declare Meggy's street fighting name is changed to Pierce)

"You know now that I think about it, you kinda do look like pierce, but without the white makeup" James circled Meggy.

"Dammit Crystal, now I gotta tell them" Meggy said quite annoyed.

"I am so sorry I did not mean to" I apologized to Meggy.

"It's fine, it was gonna come out sooner or later" She said.

"Tell us what!!" Everyone except Meggy, James, and I screamed.

"SHHHHHHH" Meggy whisper yelled.

"Ok, well I'm the racer Peirce" Meggy said.

"Wow our group is AWESOME" Just in a announced.

"Hey since we all know some more about each other, can we not act differently than we are now, we can all just remain friends." Jay said.

"Agreed" everyone said at the same time.

We all headed back to the gym happy that we all got closer together as friends.

Unknown P.O.V

Wow, she seems happy here. After all these years. Never thought it was possible.

"Hey boss, we have to go, people are starting to crowd up" One of my henchmen said.

"Ok, let's go" I said. I turned back and looked at her again before getting into the van and driving off.

Oh how wonderful this is going to be. I wonder how she'll look when she sees me. Shocked? Suprised? I don't know, but I'll find out sooner or later. Hopefully sooner.

I may not know how she will react to this, but I do know one thing.....

"It's time"


Who do you think is the unknown p.o.v huh? Does 'she' know him?

What do you think is going to happen?

Now let's move on to me. I am terribly sorry for not updating for about three weeks. I'm not gonna make an excuse and say "I had no ideas for
the chapter" or "I had no time to do it" because I do use those a lot(even if they're true).

And because I did this I promise to update someday next week. 😊😊

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