She's my What?!?

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(Skipbto story if u dont wanna read)Nvm I don't wanna add smut to this book, I feel hella uncomfortable and its just not my style of writing. I only wrote the one in the last chapter(its probably deleted by now) because I was influenced by some of my readers. SOME. and i just wanna say if u only read my book because u want smut. I suggest you leave sorry.
And for my loyal readers who don't care if I add smut or not ily. Now on to the story. ⬇

"Meggy" I said.

"What" She answered.

"Why are you doing this to me" I asked.

"Because you deserve it" She coldy replied.

"BeCAusE YOu DEsERVE It" I whispered.

"What" She sharply asked.

"Nothing" I smirked.

"You're not really in the position to be smirking right now" She implied leaning closer to me.

"You sure about that" I said as I spit in her face.

"YOU BITCH" She said as she slapped my face with her cold dirty hands.

I starting laughing like a maniac.

"Are you crazy" She looked at me with a look of disgust.

"Fuck you" I told her

She punched me, which resulting in blood forming in my mouth.

I spit the blood from my mouth on her face.

She scowled and stomped out of the room, probably to wash that's disgusting thing off her face, oh and probably the blood too.

'That was a bad idea" The guy who I forgot was standing there said.

"Your parents making you was a bad idea" I told him grinning.

"You don't know who I am do you" He questioned.

"Nope and I don't care" I quickly said.

"Well since you're wonderin-, wait what"

"I said I.don'" I eyed him.

"Come one at least ask who I am"



"No the fuck"

"Ima tell you anyway"

"Nope I'm jot listening" I said as I starting making loud noises.


"IM YOUR UNCLE'S BROTHER" he screamed over me.

I stopped screaming.

He smirked knowing he got my attention.

"Well what does Meggy have to do with this" I questioned.

" you're so dumb" He said.

"I know you are but what am I" I replied smiling.

"An annoying little brat who can't gather context clues"

I frowned.

"Meggy is my daughter, which means she's your cousin"

"Why do I always get the crazy family members" I said under my breath

"Ugh" I replied.

"What kind of reply is that" He said back.

"Hey I gotta ask you a question" I told him.

"What" He grunted.

"Why didn't your dad pull out" I laughed

"Where's that damn blind fold and gag" He said to himself looking around.

He turned around facing his back to me to look for it. I took this chance to cut the rest if the rope off with my pocket knife. I did a good job of distracting him....or he's just stupid.

I cut the rope and pretended like I was still tied up.

"Ha found it" He said as he turned back around to face me.

He reached behind me to tie the blind fold around my eyes, and in a swift motion I got up from my chair and necked him, knocking him unconscious. Just for fun I broke his arm.

As soon as I was done ran out if that place as fast as I could. As I ran out the door I bumped into Meggy, knocking us both down on the floor. I quickly got up and looked down at her. She looked up at me and quickly got up herself. She stared at me for what seems like hours but only a mere 10 seconds. Her eyes widened.

"Where's my dad" She growled.

I shrugged my shoulders.

She tried to punch me but I stepped to the side, so she punched the air.

I slipped past her and ran out the door. She was debating on whether to follow me or to see if her dad is ok.

She stuck with her dad. You know I don't get why she gave herself up so easily.I never thought she would betray ne, oh well, at least I'm not stupid enough to give myself up like that.

I had a feeling they probably took my motorcycle from the street to get rid of evidence, but a feeling inside me still told me to check the road.
I opened the door and stopped outside. I turned around to see where I was trapped in. It was her fucking house. Meggy trapped me in her dusty ass basement.

I shake my mind from those thoughts and just started jogging back to the road where I was kidnapped.

I literally face palmed in the middle of the street. Here faced my motocyle, In perfect condition, not hidden from anyone whatsoever. They are the worst kidnappers ever.
I rode my motorcycle back to my house.

I ran all the way upstairs so that Gray, Jordan or my dad won't see my face. Its red since Meggy slapped me.

"Why'd you take so long" Gray yelled at me through his door.

"I stopped by Wendy's on my way back" I told him.

"Aww you didn't bring us any back" Jordan yelled from the guest room.

"Meh too much work" I laughed off.

Even though they didn't respond, I could tell Gray and Jordan were pouting.

I shook my head and frowned. Why do so many people betray me in my life. I took my clothes off and put on my shark onsie. I got on my bed and later on my back just staring at the ceiling . Thinking if what you may ask. I don't even know myself. Before I knee it my eyes slowing closed.

DANGIT I Am 54 MINUTES LATE. I said I was gonna update yesterday
........but the most suckish thing happened to me. My laptop mouse wouldn't work and I didn't wanna ask my dad to fix it since today is father's day. So I tried to fix it myself. It took me like 2 hours searching and trying stuff the internet said, and my laptop mouse STILL ISNT WORKING. So instead of using my laptop like I planned I used my phone, but anyway.....I hoped u enjoyed the chapter. I tried to slow down the details so that everything doesn't happens so fast anymore

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