Betrayal at it's finest

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(Skip to the story if you don't want to read this) GUESS WHO WON THE TOP SOCIAL ARTIST AWARD?????? BTS DID. BTS had over a whopping 300 MILLION votes, They had 75% of the votes. I am honestly so proud of them, it literally brought me to tears(literally) seeing them win and come so far in the music industry. As an ARMY, I will delete or clap back to any negative comments about bangtan.

Recap: "Mom" I screamed as her lifeless body fell to the floor........

"There is a traitor among you".........

"Well maybe I don't want your help"........

"Where's Jordan"........

I signed then gave him one of my motorcycles since he said he could ride.

Even though he's my brother I don't want to tell him my secret. I'm glad he's back, but I'm not irrational enough to just flat line tell him my secret.

He looks innocent enough, but I don't know if he isn't in any Gangs or some shit like that so I gonna be still cautious.

We arrived at the Fist. I left Gray and Jordan together and went to the back of the place to change into my gear. I waited until I heard the faint chanting of my name, signaling it was my turn to kick some ass. I left the locker room and the moment my foot left out, the cheers grew louder and louder.

I jumped over the ring into the arena. I went face to face with a guy literally twice my size. He was around 6'6, 3-4 could tell he works out for about 2 hours a day, I could also tell he's gonna lose tonight.

I'm not going to do the usual and taunt them tonight. Jordan isn't stupid, I bet he might recognize me by my voice and I made sure to tuck my necklace in my shirt since that necklace is the reason why two people found out my secret.

The guy stepped close.

"You aren't gonna say anything sweetheart" He said raising a brow.

I ignored him.

He put his hand on my chin.

"Why you ignoring me, you know when I win this match, maybe you and I can go back to my place and-"

The moment the bell rang I punched him in the face and he fell down. I got on top of him and kept punching. He managed to flip me over so he was on top, he held my hands over my head. He started to lean in, I'm guessing to kiss me.

Ok now we can resume the chapter

His face about 2 inches from my face. I took this moment to head butt him. I used enough strength to make him scream and get off of me. I was furious now. I round house kicked him in the head. His head start bleeding as he fell to floor. I kept kicking his head until I saw teeth starting to fall from his disgusting mouth. I started to show off and did a back flip only to land feet first on his face. I striked his foot with one hard blow and he screamed like a a girl.

"I- I can't feel my foot" He said as he tried to move his foot.

"YOU BITCH" He screamed.

I just shrugged and have him one last blow to the head before he passed out.

"A-a and the winner is T-Toxic Paralyzer!" The announcer shouted.

Everyone got out of the way for me knowing I'm not in the mood. I took my money reward and went to the back to change into my regular clothes. I put the money into a big purse that I brought.

I creeped through the locker room to make sure no one was around. Once I was certain the coast was clear I left to go to Gray and Jordan.

Someone tapped me on the shoulder and I quickly spun around to attack whoever it was.

"Whoa, chill Crystal it's us" Jordan said.

"Oh sorry, reflex" I said.

"Where were you, when we came here Gray told me you went to the bathroom, but you never came back so we started looking for you" Jordan asked.

"Oh, I did use the bathroom, but I couldn't see you guys when I came back, so I looked around but I could find you two."
None of you Geniuses thought of calling me" I continued holding my phone.

"In my defense I didn't have your phone number" Jordan defended.

"Ok I think it's about time we go home" Gray said

"We didn't even get to see a match. We missed the fight between toxic and some other dude. Toxic Paralyzer is my street fighting idol" Jordan said smiling.

"That's nice, but We really need to go, it's getting late and I don't wanna leave dad alone in the house for too long." I explained

"Fine" Jordan drooped.

Jordan got onto my motorcycle that I let him borrow and Gray got into his car and I got into my car. I brought my car instead if my toxic cycle because Jordan came along.

As we were driving, in of my tires popped.

Gray and Jordan stopped driving to see if I was okay and if I needed some help.

I declined and told them they can go. I can handle a tire.
Gray asked me once again and I assured him I'm ok. I had a spare tire in my trunk.

Gray looked at me for about 5 seconds before they both drove off.
I got the spare out the trunk of the car and proceeded to do the steps to change the fire. About three minutes later I heard a creek being me.

i spun around, but i saw nothing. I hesitantly turned back around, being cautious of my surroundings a little more. I sensed someone behind me, so i turned around again, but suprise suprise noone was there. i thought i was being paranoid, so i just turned around and cotinued what i was doing, but a little faster now.

As soon as i was done, I put the other tire into the trunk and closed it. Someone came up behind me and put a cloth my face. Two other people came and held my arms. I stupidly breathed in the toxic cloth and everything went black.

i woke up in a dark room-wait nevermind scratch that, i had a blindfold on.

"Hello, I'm gonna kick your ass when i get out of here" I shouted.

"Like hell you will" A familiar voice said.

"Who is that voice" I asked.

I heard another person in the room sneeze.

"I said who is it" I demanded.

"Guess" The voice said.

i eyes widened in suprise.

"Meggy" I asked

"Yep" Meggy said as she ripped the blind off my face.


I didnt even realize it was 12 something as i was writing this chapter, but i stayed up until 3 to write this chapter for u guys since i know i lied about updating yesterday. And warning there is going to be heavy content of sexual abuse and rape in the next chapter, so im just warning you guys now.

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