six - please don't go by joel adams

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"What the hell is this, Lace?" I exclaim angrily.

She sheepishly looks at me. "It may or may not be some cute ideas for fanfiction."

"Meeting in a coffee shop? Him being a member of a famous band? This is all trash! It's unrealistic." I toss her phone back to her, not before deleting the rubbish though.

"Damn!" She shouts.

Right now we were walking around the mall, window shopping and getting a head start on holiday presents. All the people passing by look at Lace as if she'd grown two heads. She scowls at them. "What are you looking at? It's not like you haven't heard it before."

I laugh out loud at all the strangers faces. A mother holds her hands over her daughter's ears, the funny thing was the daughter looked to be about thirteen years old. Her daughter's scowl was even bigger than Lacey's.

"As much as I love you, Lace, you are a handful," I tell her.

Lacey just flips her hair over her shoulder. "Tell me something I don't know," she says while faking an airy tone. We both just laugh. Over Lace's shoulder I could see the bright sign of Great Cookies of America. I shove past her and run to the store, my second home. "Are you abandoning me for cookies, again?" Lacey shouts from behind me.

"Duh!" I yell back before going up to the counter. "I'll have two slices of the double chocolate cookie cake please." I grin at the cashier.

"No problem, miss." He smiles back at me.

"So how are you today?" I ask, trying to make small talk.

"Good, good, thank you for asking. There you go." He moves the two boxes of cookie cake in my direction, before quickly pulling them away. "Um, before you go, I just wanted to tell you that you are pretty," he handed me the boxes and disappeared into the back.

"Thank you!" I yell, "You're pretty yourself! I-I mean handsome!" And he was. He was tall with blonde hair and blue eyes. His soft features struck me most, he reminds me of a teen heartthrob.

Lace walks up right next to me. "Autumn, you are so awkward and lucky at the same time." I nod in agreement. She took one of the cookie cake boxes out of my hand. "You know me so well."

"Damn right," I chuckle. We sat at the tables right outside the store, right above the food court.

"So how are you and hot guy?" Lace asks before shoving her slice in her face.

I groan, "Damn, Lacey."

She looks taken aback. "What?"

"Whenever someone says his name, or even if I think about him, he'll show up. Not that I'm complaining, it gets annoying sometimes though."

Lacey has a look of disbelief. "You are overreacting."

Then below us, in the food court, a guitar started playing. "I bet you a slice of cookie cake that's him." I stick my hand out.

She shakes my hand. "You are on."

We look down below us, and sure enough it was him. "Ha! That is him!"

"Prove it!" She argues. I unlock my phone and showed her the selfie that Colton and I took.
Lacey just grumbles, "Fine. Let's just watch the show."

The distance between the first and second floor wasn't all that big, and there wasn't that many people around. We could hear Colton and his guitar just fine.

"Nobody ever knows,
nobody ever sees.
I left my soul,
back there now I'm too weak.
Most nights I pray for you to come home.
Praying to the Lord.
Praying for my soul.

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