fourteen - i've got this friend by 5 seconds of summer

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"Now class, turn to page 394 in your textbooks."

I mutter under my breath, "Severus Snape much?"

The girl next to me giggles quietly, obviously getting the reference, but tries not to grab the attention of Mrs. Opikla.

"What are you giggling about?" Mrs. Opikla snaps her head over to me and the girl.

Both of us quietly apologize before opening our books to the assigned page. Nudging the girl, I point to Mrs. Opikla when she's turned around and make the universal 'she's crazy' sign. Again, she tries to fight a laugh, but fails.

Luckily, Mrs. Opikla doesn't hear; instead, she starts droning on about something completely stupid. I know it's stupid because I'm already falling asleep. Feeling my eyelids getting heavier and heavier, I finally lay my head on my desk.

A few minutes later, as I was drifting between consciousness and half-consciousness, someone kicked the leg of my desk, causing my head to fall off my arm and smack onto the hard desk. "Ow!" I hiss.

"Miss Summers! What in the world is it this time?" Mrs. Opikla's shrill voice calls out.

I stammer, "U-um-."

She raises an eyebrow at me, waiting for an answer.

"I accidentally bit my tongue really hard, ma'am, I'm sorry to disrupt."

After she narrows her eyes, she says, "Don't disrupt the class again, or there will be consequences." 

As she goes back to teaching the lesson, I look at the girl next to me and mouth 'thank you'. In return, she smiles and mouths back 'welcome'.

People like her make things right in the world, saving a girl from her teacher's wrath, one day at a time.


"You fell asleep in class?" Lacey asks before taking a bite of her salad.

I shake my head. "Technically, I wasn't fully asleep, but this amazing girl saved me from having detention probably."

Lacey, Brandon, and I were sitting outside and eating our lunches. Normally we would eat inside, but it was so nice outside today. Our school allowed it as long as we didn't leave trash (if we did we would be banned from ever doing it again), and the courtyard was packed with students having mini picnics. We three were lucky enough to snag one of the tables while all the people who weren't sitting at tables were sitting on the hard ground.

"In other news, you guys set up that whole thing with Colton last night didn't you?" I point my fork at both of them and raise my eyebrow.

After my reunion with Colton, I had gone home to an empty house. It wasn't until 9:15ish that my parents and Brandon showed up at the house. Brandon was all smiles and kept looking at me, waiting for me to spill the beans to him, until finally going to bed. I didn't want to tell him anything quite yet, I wanted to bask in all of my warm feelings before sharing them with everyone else. It's sharing time now.

"What? I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about," Lacey says, winking.

Brandon mimics her. "Yeah, absolutely no idea, whatsoever."

I roll my eyes at their immature behavior, but I can't judge because I probably act that way sometimes too.

"Anyway," Brandon drawls, "how did it go last night? Give us the details!"

With a short laugh, I jump into my story. "Well, he sang a song like always. Then after he made a mini speech about he was an idiot. I didn't respond, but I heard something drop and I went to go find out what it was. Colton had brought me Junior Mints and purple carnations, yet I still was kind of wary. It was hard to decide if I should forgive him or not, until..."

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