Day 8: Doorbell

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Hyra POV

It's been 4 days since I went to visit Jungkook at the hospital. I couldn't gather the courage too.

I walked to my kitchen and opened the wooden cabinets to grab some cereal.

"What should I do today?"

Giulia and Dalia are out touring around and Namjoon and the guys are still in America.... I miss them.

As I grabbed the cereal from the fridge, I went to sit a the dinning table.

I pulled out the chair and are my cereal. It was so quiet, I could hear the morning buzz from outside.

As I slurped the rest of the milk, I decided to go do house work. When I was about to start doing the dishes, the doorbell rang.

I turned off the faucet and went toward the door. "Who is the hell could be here at 6am?"

I reached to the doorknob and as I opened it, I saw Namjoon with a huge smile on his face.... A pitiful one.

"Hyra..." He said silently. As I was about to jump on Namjoon, Hoseok came through the crowd and dropped his bags in the floor and pulled me toward him.

He embraced me happily.

As he did, I could feel my emotion going out of control again. I began to cry in his shoulder. Everyone stood there and felt so sad.

As I calmed down, I pushed away slowly from Hoseok and gave a hug to everyone.

"I missed you guys so much." I told them all happily.

"We did too!" Taehyung yelled out. I chuckled and we all went to hang in the living room.

--A few Hours Later--

Everyone was done unpacking their things and as I looked to the time, it was already 9:30pm.

Time went by fast today.

I went to see everyone in every room we had and realized Hoseok hadn't unpacked yet.

I opened his door slowly and saw him siting at the edge of his bed. He lifted his head and looked at me giving me his beautiful smile.

But I knew he was crying on the inside.

I went towards him and sat beside him. I tested my head on his shoulder and asked, "Did you go see him...?"

He shook his head and said, "Everyone did except for me." I lifted my head and looked at him confused.

"I would feel like I betrayed him if I went to see him."

"... Why is that?" He stayed silent for a bit and as he was about Namjoon yelled across the hallway, "Guys~~!! Where's my passport?!"

I scoffed and got up while sighing. "We can talk later. Ok?" I asked him happily.

He nodded and turned away. My smile slightly disappeared.... But I shrugged it off and went out to help Namjoon.


Everyone was asleep and so was I, well partially. I kept waking up in the middle of the night to the same scene replaying in my head.....


He got up and turned around to face my mother. He began to walk towards her. I could feel his pain with every step.

My voice unable to reach him, I reached my hand out and before I could even come close to him. Another bang was heard and before I could blink, Jungkook was on the floor.

My mother dropped the gun and kneeled down to the ground, shivering as she looked at Jungkook on the ground.


My body as cold as winter and my mind as blank as a white paper. I stared blankly at Jungkook's body on the ground.

"Jungkook." I said silently.


--FlashBack End--

I would wake up panting and not able to sleep for the next few hours. I finally decided that was enough and went to the kitchen to grab a cup of water.

I need to block that memory out...

As I drank my water, I put down the glass and heard a small tud behind me. I turned around kinda paranoid and saw Hoseok smiling awkwardly.

I smiled half heartedly and smacked him on the chest. "Jesus Hoseok."

He chuckled and went passed me getting a glass of water. As he grabbed it his from behind his best faced me and soon his eyes made eye contact with me.

Our faces only a few inches away from each other. "The reason..."

I looked at him confused then remembered, "was because...

" I fell in love with you."

Author's Note:


Will Hyra forget about Jungkook? What happened to jungkook today? Will Jhope make a move?

Let's find out,

Xoxo Me

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