Night 11(2): Fight

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Hyra POV

I was on the floor, crying and trying to calm down. The guys all tried to calm me down and help me up then rested me on the bed.

Jimin rubbing my back as I cried in my hands. I put my head up and saw Hoseok with a dark expression.

He walked out of the room and slammed the door shut.

"....fuck." I said to myself.

Hoseok POV

You motherfucking, cock sucking piece of actual crap on the sidewalk.

All I could think of at the moment was to find that piece of shit. My anger kept rising as I dashed around the neighbourhood.

Finally, I made it to the park and saw Jungkook on a bench. His back palpitating.

He's crying.

I clenched my fist and sighed, letting my hands rest.

"God... that kid."

I went up to him and watched as he put his head up. His once soft crying expression became one of anger.

He got up and held my collar tightly.

"Get the fuck out of my face or else I might actually kill you."

I sighed slightly and pulled his hands off my shirt. He punched me in the stomach and as I gasped for air.


I got up and punched him straight across the face. "I KNOW I HAVE A FUCKING PROBLEMMM!!!"

I yelled as loud as I could and watched as Jungkook looked up at me from the floor.


He got up and looked at me dead in the eyes until I saw his shocked expression fade. His eyes began to tear up, "How could you do that to me if you knew...?"

I started to tear up with anger and yelled out, "I'm sorry! I don't know why I did that.... and if it makes a difference... I forced her. She tried to stop me... she kept saying she loved you but I was to stupid to listen to her...Please just don't blame it on her."

He looked up at me again and had a straight face. "It's to late for that now. Our friendship," he pointed at me and him, "is over. And our relationship between me and Hyra is over for good."

Hyra POV

I was now alone in my room and sat at my bed, I hadn't moved in inch and couldn't believe what happened an hour ago.


"We're over."

--FlashBack End--

I was about to cry again until I heard the front door slam. I shot my head up and slowly opened my door to peak out.

As I looked out, I saw Jungkook right in front of my door.

I looked up at him and closed the door in his face.

As I sat back on my bed, Jungkook opened it. His expression dead, his eyes lost colour and all I felt like I could see was a monster...

He came towards me after closing the door and yanked my wrist so I would get off of the bed.

I shut my eyes as I expected him to yell at me. But as I didn't heart anything, I opened my eyes carefully and saw he had the promise ring in his hands.

Song Reco: WINNER - Confession

As he looked down to the ring, he said with a broken voice, "Why did you do it?"

I didn't answer and only looked down to my feet not being able to look him in the eyes.

"Did I not love you enough?" I could hear his tears reaching his voice. I began to tear up silently. "Was I a burden?"

I shook my head softly, he held my hand up and placed the promise ring in my ring finger.

"Then what..?"

He clenched his hand softly with mine.

I began to cry softly and pulled Jungkook into a hug. "Stop crying idiot. I should be crying." He said to me as I kept crying deeply into his chest.

"I--I'm so sorry Jungkook."

"I'm sorry to."

He said to me in a calm voice. I pulled away from the hug and looked in his eyes.

"We are over.... I can never forgive you." I stood there in shock.

He let go of my wrist and kissed my lips ever so softly. It was at that moment, I realized... I would never see him again.

"I loved you Hyra."

He's running away.....

The door closed softly as I fell to the ground.

My run away is leaving me...

My run away is leaving me

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Author's Note:

(Listen to the song reco fully and be blessed by WINNER's amazing vocals)

Guys I don't want to tell you guys but... we are nearing the end of this book.

Let's hope their fairytail end is waiting for those two.

Love you guys,

Xoxo Me

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