Only The Good Die Young

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So Lily or James would probably get into the 'keeping you safe' break up once or twice.

* Lily says she doesn't want to see James anymore and basically lies when it's actually her worried for him because he's a pure blood and she's a mud blood and she shouldn't put his life on risk.

*Marlene doesn't give a flying fuck and tells James because um hello Sirius and Marlene have been shipping James and Lily along with Dumbledore for so long.

* Gilderoy Lockhart asking Lily on  a date and Lily's not the type of girl to go on so quickly but James punches him before she can reply anyway and then kisses her.

*Some couples watch and take notes because let's be real, everyone wants to learn that exercise.

* Lily stands there and pushes him back but then Amos Diggory whose also asked Lily the past year has been holding a grudge and blows up;

"WHY HIM, YOU BROKE UP WITH HIM. POTTER YOU DONT HAVE ANY PROPERTY ON HER NOW. EXPELLIARMUS." So hoe basically blows like an idiot and then says 'EXPELLIARMUS' bc he's gonna get hexed by Jamie and oh hell no.

No one expects this to get really intense but this is Lily Evans and no one can tell her what to do and she can't even remember why she let herself be scared.

"DONT YOU DARE TOUCH HIM." Insert whoops, cheers and a very nasty bat bogey Lily Evans classic and then James finding Lily and then woah they're back together and snogging and holding hands.
And they don't even remember it happening.

*James breaking it off with Lily because he's scared he's a target for Voldemort since his parents are top aurors and he doesn't want Lily to get hurt.

*Sirius telling Marlene who tells Lily who is completely irritated because didn't they already do something like this?

*A seventh year girl [chevy Vane] is trying to maybe give James a love potion and Lily knows because in the library she was reading a love potion book and giggling at a vial in her hand while smiling at James, okay excuse me, you don't do that. So Lily called Marlene and Sirius and they all got Starbucks and 'accidentally' threw it, a) down her robes b) into her ear c) anywhere but inside and near her mouth because she didn't deserve that okay?

They could swear they heard Dumbledore whistling and saying

"Ohhhh, white girl move!"

* Lily and James get asked out a lot and this time, just to make idiotic James jealous Lily says yes to going to Hogsmeade with Benjy Fenwick.

Basically James spies on them the entire time using he invisibility cloak. Then there's an attack at Hogsmeade, Benjy is running off without taking Lily, who as Head Girl takes charge and uses a sonorus charm who tell everyone to go back to the castle, calmly.

She's a fighter and she's brave and fierce and she's also getting that look that James doesn't like because it's that look you get when you know you're going to die but it's for a good cause of whatever except lily's is  more precious.

He suddenly is glued to the spot when Voldemort  of all people stands in front of her.

"Well well, Lily Evans, you're a bright one aren't you? Even though you're a mud blood too, come and join me. I'll spare you, there are very strong suspicions about you, you know and I suggest you come to our side." Lily scowled.

"Never." He snarled. James's instincts took over and he slowly slipped out of his cloak and then,

"Crucio!" Lily starred screaming and James stupefied Voldemort-only for a second- and then expelliarmused him and most of the death eaters. Snape was one of them looking at Lily guiltily.

* Lily woke up in the hospital wing with James right next to her in  a chair and he was asleep, his glasses crooked. She ran a hand through his hair and he sighed softly.

After that they perhaps realized it didn't matter about all of this blood purity rubbish, they were both young and bright and on the good side, either way was risk ful and the days they had counted as their own infinity, everyone's is after all different.

And after all, only the good die young.

Please don't steal this, and yeah it made all of these, also I made a song about myself, I'm feeling really inspired today. 😂✌ - Snaps

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