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I actually think that Sirius Black and Lily Evans influenced all Gryffindors to respect 'Pride' and also have a day for LGBT+.
They convinced the professors by reciting Gryffindor's long history of being prideful of who they are and by the end of it Minerva McGonagall had transfigured her robes into rainbows and and and Peter was just like

'oh man! Why didn't I think of that?' Because he was making the uniforms new for everyone, but Lily was like 'oh Pete, these are really amazing,' because they were the signs of labour and beauty and everything was perfect and accepted for one day, and they added 'M', 'H' and 'W'  to LGBT+ because Muggleborn, Half Blood, and Werewolves belonged too.

I actually thought of this in my shower and I was like this must have happened. Dedicated to slowgold because she used to be the most alive person I knew.
There's a lot of people in the world who don't know he meaning of being offending and yet they call themselves nice people supporting refugees and how 'it was just a joke'. I AM SICK AND TIRED. I am sick of topping the cumulative exams and getting straight a 's not for my hard work but because of all those whispers saying ; 'because she's Asian.' I'm tired of seeing everyone being judged by their cultures and the clothes they wear.

I am tired of seeing people get genuinely harassed and keep quiet. I am tired of wanting to shed myself out of my body and scream 'DENIED' to everyone because isn't that what we are? It doesn't matter if we were born here or somewhere else, it doesn't matter if we're white, black, brown, yellow or blue because there is a stereotype and back bite for us everywhere.
It doesn't matter if you're wearing a hijab, a sari, a kimono, glasses or simply the skin you were born in covered by prada because those idiots simply won't stop seeing the world as a place with countless luxury and no people with personalities what so ever without any logic.

I am tired of not having a back bone because I've taken anatomy and I know it's there. I am tired of not being accepted anywhere because I've been born in Canada and constantly being asked where I'm from, no where I'm REALLY from. I'm tired of seeing that amazing, intelligent girl who moved here recently from China being back bitten on because she can't speak English or that one Asian boy who is getting average grades for getting teased.

I'm tired of seeing black people being singled out by their supposed 'friends' who all secretly talk in groups while leaving them to pick up your binders. I get we are all lonely at the end of the day, I really do. I get that our sexualities, cultures and ethnicities become our insecurities too. But they can become our stronger points.

English is not intelligence, travelling around in short shorts is not intelligence, taking dozens of selfies then deleting them is not intelligence and being rich is not intelligence. True intelligence often comes from the humblest of backgrounds and the 'ugliest' of people.

Intelligence is that girl with dark bags under her eyes. Intelligence is that boy arguing that he is right, and 'just give me one more chance, open your eyes, accept change', intelligence is her who is sneaking for an education, intelligence is him in poverty, he is often starved yet makes the best of the things he has. Intelligence is them who make travels to the man near the dump who gives them paper. Intelligence is them who don't learn because they are told to, but because they know sacrifices and they want to build themselves up higher than a million cathedrals and thousands of CN towers. Intelligence is her, she's old and she's female, but she wants the chance.

Intelligence is them who get teased for being 'off their rocker' and farther away from sane because knowing the world- truly knowing it leaves us all insane.

Intelligence is when you can say you lived on your death bed. When you can whisper stories and still past down knowledge you earned 45 years ago without missing a single beat.

Being alone in our minds is okay because however judged we are we can go; 'Ha! I did this, got the chance to and you didn't,' 'I worked with one of the finest minds and used it to the fullest, but you didn't because of how the exterior looked,'

'I knew her, not for her lack of words, but for her courage and how far she's come.'

All of this is power and to have power is to be alive so before you make these meaningless mistakes which will shape victims into who they are.

As Trinity College's Fellow Hardy once sad; change, it's a wonderful thing. Embrace it.
Let every positive integer be your personal friend and every heartbreak the ground you build your bricks upon. My father once said, 'Land can be divided, but whatever's in your head cannot be. Learn Lydia. No one can take your knowledge away from you.'

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