Valentines Day Cards

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I bet that Sirius secretly made everyone Valentine's Day Cards that would fly around and spray everyone with pink and red glitter and hearts and many other beautiful things because Valentines day was the day of love and he dressed up as cupid.
Sirius made a card one day and sent it as James to Lily and maybe that's how they started dating.

One day everyone was like 'okay, James isn't making these, whose making the cards?' And Marlene was sort of next to Sirius because she was his secret agent and just sort of sheltered him and went,

"Everyone I heard they're giving free socks away in the empty classrooms," and then they made about 3 000 000 cards for everyone so they wouldn't feel left out and even gave one to Amos Diggory who wouldn't have had Cedric without meeting Celeste, whom it said the card was from, and another to Molly Prewett from Arthur Weasley.

Just think what wouldn't have happened if Sirius hadn't played cupid. How they wouldn't have any distraction from the darkness in their lives.


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