yard sale

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it was a sunny day in the muggle world when Lily Potter drove Harry and the marauders around her childhood neighborhood.

"And that's-"

"Hold up, peasant."
"Omygodric" Sirius squealed.


Lily's eyes opened in panic because everyone knew that Sirius was a complete loony, and oh godric. They were in a car.

"Pull over!!!1!1!" He screeched, and James finally awoke from his deep sleep.

Remus banged his head against his window when suddenly, the car swerved.

Okay Sirius had literally pushed Lily out the window and got on the steering wheel and he didn't know how to drive.

Harry's giggles filled the air as the car ended up twisting and swerving to the left and to the right. James jumped out of the window to Lily, but his butt got stuck in the window.

"We're here!" Sirius sang, and practically ran to the yard sale while grabbing a squealing Harry, leaving a person flat on the road, some guys bottom stuck in a window, and another guy with a concussion from banging his head so much.

"Yeah. I'll take everything. How much is the house?"

it's really early and crappy bc i'm updating on my phone, but i had to post.


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