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"Come on, Jesse!" Shouts Victoria Copper- 22- pushing her platinum blonde hair from her face, "We're going to be late if you don't hurry up!"

"Alright, alright!" Shouts back another voice- that of Jesse Copper (19). Loud footsteps slam down the oak staircase, and a smaller girl appears, dark black hair blending perfectly with the white of her leather jacket and silver tee shirt. She grabs her boots- lacing them up as she sits at the steps. She smacks her lips- the rich deep red of them making her look even more pale then she is, as well as making the blue of her eyes pop. Victoria quirks her eyebrows at her little sister.

"Okay, enough lip smackin', you're got a university to get to."

"It's just the orientation."

"Yes, but I missed mine and ended up in a laboratory on my first day. Now, get your bag and let's get out of here." Victoria replies, clearly annoyed with Jesse.

"Lighten up, stingy!" She teases, slinging her black leather bag over her shoulder.

"Don't mock me, baby sis!" Sings Victoria, opening the door to their house, eyes set on her pride and joy- her 1967 Chevy Impala.

"You're not driving me in that old thing, are you?" Groans Jesse, "Dad's car is here! His car's nice... Modern..." She groans.

"Don't insult my baby!" Victoria exclaims, taking her keys from her handbag.

"You know, for someone who buys every new thing that ever comes out, you have the worst car."

"Shut up, Jess!" She hits her sister's arm as she walks over to the other side of the car. "I paid a hell of a lot of money for this car. I don't really appreciate you insulting me!"

"Fine. I was just kidding..." Jesse grumbles as Victoria gets in the car, setting her perfectly manicured hands on the wheel, her long black eyelashes fluttering before her.

"You better be..." She mutters, the engine growling beneath them. The car begins to go off, the car filled with a deadly silence. Victoria always preffered not to play music while driving. It would always distract her.

"What are you doing today?" Jesse asks, the silence eating away at her. She never liked being quiet.

"Hm?" Victoria kept her eyes glued to the landscape and roads in front of her. "Niall's band had rehearsal. He wants me to come." Jesse rolls her big eyes.

"I can't believe you're still friends with that tosser..." She mutters.

"Just because you don't like him doesn't mean I'll stop. He's my best friend."

"That's not why I think you shouldn't be his friend, Vic."

"Then why, huh? Why should I just abandon the guy I trust with my life and love like a brother after over 10 years of friendship?"

"Oh, come on. Don't act like you don't remember what happened at my graduation."

"What? He passed out in my bedroom. Big deal. He was pissed drunk." Victoria shrugged.

"No, not that." Jesse insists.

"Then what? All I care to remember is waking up with my best friend curled up in my closet, an empty bottle of beer in his hand."

"The smoking thing."

"I don't care about that."

"He got you arrested for marihuana possession! Of course you care about that! You're my big sister- the one who shivered at the mention of cutting class! You were in jail for a week, Vic!" Jesse shouts, her eyes wide.

"Jesse." Growls Victoria, pushing her hair from her face and adjusting her black hot pants and white mohair sweater with the red heart on the front, "Niall also got sent to jail that night. And you know I don't do that sort of thing. It's Niall's life, he can do as he pleases."


"No buts. I'm driving and don't feel like yelling at you for mentioning it again."

"Victoria, you can't just-"

"I said no." Victoria shot a dead glare right into Jesse's eyes. Then the silence continued until they pulled up to a beautiful building, one with lovely architecture and a sign outside reading York University.

"Have fun!" Victoria calls out of her window as Jesse walks away. "I'll come back when rehearsal ends. Make friends or something!" Jesse just waves, quickening her pace towards the school. Victoria begins to drive away, looking in her glovebox to make sure the small plastic bag with the beautiful green herb still resides there. "I'm gonna get so stoned today..." She says to herself, a grin taking up her entire face.

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