Chapter 5

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~Jesse's P.O.V~

 I tell Vicky that I am going to go get some food but that isn't the truth. I am going for a walk and I would've told her but she wouldn't have let me if I did. She thinks that its dangerous to go for a walk late at night but right now I don't really care what she thinks. I need to try and clear my mind from all of the events that occured tonight. I grab a light coat and leave the house. The cool breeze that hits me calms me down. I don't know where I'm going but I need to get out of this area so I start walking to the only place that I can think of, the local park. As I make my way toward the park I think about Niall hitting Vicky. Why is she so stupid? Who won't she ever listen to me? I told her multiple times that he was trouble but she never wanted to listen. In fact, one time she slapped me across the face for telling her that she was stupid and naive. Now look at where we are tonight.

I shake the thoughts from my head as I see the swing set. Finally, I made it. I know that it wasn't really a long walk but I am tired and I just want to sit down on the swing. I plop down onto the seat of the swing and lazily kick my feet out in front of me. I only move about an inch but that is high enough for me. I sigh loudly as more thoughts of the night enter my mind. Like that Harry dude. He just gave me a weird feeling and I didn't like it at all. Everytime I would back up he would just step closer to me and I didn't like it.

 Although he was cute just not cute enough to distract me from his multiple tattoos, his lip ring, and his flirtasious ways. I'm knocked out of my thoughts from a quiet noise coming over from the other side of the park. Being as curious as I am, I walk toward the noise. My mum always said that one day my curiousty is going to get me killed but I just can't help it.    

 The noise keeps getting louder and louder and I finally distinguish that it is the voices of two or three men. I hide inbehind a tall bush and listen into what's being said.

 "Listen, if you don't get the money soon then I'll be forced to do some very violent things." My eyes widen as I realize what is going on.

 "I'll get the money. It won't be a problem." Another male voice says shakily. A laugh echoes through my ears. "Just get out of here. We better get that money soon or else." I can hear the mans loud footsteps run away from the park.

 "Looks like we scared him." Two male voices laugh. Crap, maybe I should've listened to my mum when she said that my curiousity would get me killed one day.

 "Yeah. He was easy to scare though so don't act to proud. Oh and by the way, I'm going to need you to hit me up." That voice sounds so familiar but it can't be because I don't know anyone who does drugs; well other then Niall and Zayn, but that's not their voices. So who could it be?

 "No problem mate. You know you're my favorite customer."

 "Probably because I am the only customer that pays you." The familiar voice responds.

 The other man laughs. "You got that right. Now here's some of the best stuff I have with me right now. It should last you at least a week."

 "Good. Here's your money. Now if you don't mind will you please get the hell out of here and leave me alone." Again I hear the other man laugh but soon enough his footsteps echo into my ears as he walks away from the park.

 How do I get out of here? If I don't get out of here soon then I may get caught by that guy. I look around me to try and find somewhere I could run without being seen or heard by the man inbehind the bush. I slowly stand and a stick beneath my foot snaps. Oh crap.

 "Who's over there?" I walk slowly in hopes of remaining silent but this time leaves crunch loudly underneath my feet.

 "I know someone's over there. Come out now or else." I bite my lip but continue to try and escape. "Come out now or I'll drag you out." I sigh and give up. If I die then at least I won't have to deal with all of my sisters drama. I walk out into the open and come face to face with Harry. He smirks when he finally sees my face. "Well, well, well I didn't think I would see you again." I glare at him but he continues to smile. "Well are you going to say anything?" I glare at him once more but then a smirk finds its way to my lips. "Actually yeah I am. How are those drugs of yours?"

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