Chapter 2

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Jesse's P.O.V

I quickly walked up the small concrete sidewalk making my way to York University. My stomach started to flip in ways that would make even the most confident person in the world nervous. I can't help but to think that I won't make any friends or get along with my professors. I turn around slightly to wave to Vicky before she leaves but she is already gone from her previous spot in the parking lot. Why was she in such a hurry? I thought that Vicky would help me with University since it is so new to me but no; she had to go hang out with Niall. All she cares about is Niall. We don't hang out as much as we use to to anymore because she always has something better to do which by her definintion means that she has something to do with Niall. I mean even at my graduation it was all about Niall to her. I am so sick and tired of being the third wheel with those two. It honestly hurts my feelings that she loves Niall more than she loves me. I feel like she doesn't even care about me but it doesn't matter- I've gotten use to being ignored.

I break away from my thoughts about my sister as I reach the front entrance. Take a deep breath, Jesse, everything is going to be fine I keep repeating to myself. You can do this. Just open the-

"Sorry to bother you but, um, are you going to open the door or are you waiting for someone?" I look up to see a boy my age, I mean obviously he is my age since it's freshmen orientation night. His brown eyes looked into my soul as I awkwardly opened the door.

"Sorry about that I was just giving myself a pep talk before I came in. I'm not to great with adjusting to new things so the whole university thing has me worried." I laughed at the end to try and lighten my own mood but it didn't quite work.

He looked down at me and smiled as we continued to walk toward the room where orientation was taking place. Why do boys always have to be so much taller than me? I am already intemidated by them enough without the added height. "No worries, I had to do the same in the car." I smiled at the thought. "I'm just happy that I'm not the only one who does that because sometimes I question my own sanity."

He laughed and shook his head. "No don't worry I am almost positive that everyone does that." I laughed loudly throwing my head back at his response. "What, I didn't even say anything funny?" He scrunched his nose up in confusion as I continued to laugh. "No, no. Its not that. I just thought that it was funny that you said that you were almost positive that everyone did that. I mean who do you think you are Professor Xavier from X men? You can't read peoples' minds so how do you really know that everyone does it? For all we know we could both be losing our minds."

He laughed heavily which in response made him snort. I laughed harder than him after he let his snort out. After a minute, our laughter finally died down and he looked at me seriously. "I'll have you know that I am in fact not Professor Xavier, I am Batman." I looked at him with an equal amount of seriousness. "We meet again Batman." He laughed and held out his hand. "I'm Liam by the way." I shook his hand and smiled. "I'm Buttercup." He scrunched up his nose but didn't say anything. I laughed and again he looked at me with a confused expression. "My name is not really Buttercup you dimwit." He smiled. "Oh thank God. I didn't want to say anything about it because it would seem rude but I am so happy your name really isn't Buttercup." I smiled. "You and me both."

We reached the orientation room and about fourty other people were in the room. We took a seat next to one another in the back. "Okay the orientation will begin shortly if you could just remain patient while we finish up with some last minute preperations." An elderly woman anncounced at the head of the room. I smiled and nodded to her even though she probably couldn't see me.

"Hey, you never actually told me your name." Liam smiled. "So?" I chuckled. "So what is your name?" I looked at him seriously and shook my head. "I'm sorry but if I told you I would have to kill you and I really don't have the energy to murder anyone right now." He stuck his tongue out at me and I flipped him off. "Real mature of you." He muttered. "That coming from the boy who just stuck his tongue out at me." He laughed and shook his head. "No, I'm not talking about the fact that you just flipped me off. I am referring to you not telling me your name." I huffed. "Fine. I will tell you my name if-" I didn't finish my sentence because the elderly woman from before came back up to the front.

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