Angry is an understatement

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Numb, that's how I felt after seeing their near kiss. Their faces were so close. Lips one inch apart. Eyes gazing lovingly at each other. The same air being breathed by both and probably the same heartbeat pace. Yesterday as I walked in to get my phone, I went through a storm of emotions, loss, defeat, sadness, sorrow and then anger but I hid it well. I masked it all and acted cool but till now I feel broken, damaged, numb.

"So?" the same manly voice that colonized my dreams said interrupting my session of woe.

"So?" I repeated kind of harshly as I turned to see him entering the company's staff room

"What's up?" Ian continued to ask as he walked closer to me

"Nothing is up." I fired at him and turned back to the coffee machine 

Silence invaded the room after so. Only the drops of coffee made a sound. It was definitely awkward. I wanted earth to open up and swallow me. I wished for Ian to leave but the smell of his perfume assured me that he is still here and close by. As  got absorbed into my own ideas trying to figure out if I have the right to be mad at him, them or not,  I felt a warm hand being placed on my elbow and abruptly turning me around. That's when  came in face to face with the same Greek god that is torturing me.

"what's wrong?" Ian repeated but this time his voice and eyes reflected a storm of emotions and they startled me and for once I was held a total captive to them

"Nothing" I stubbornly replied as he masked his emotions away

"Maya I know that something is wrong with you...There is no spark in your eyes...They are just dark." Ian insisted pleading to know what is happening in my head

"I didn't have enough sleep." I replied and it was a total truth I didn't sleep last night 

"Did Asher do something wrong?" Ian became stiff and his grip on my hand tightened then brought me closer 

"He did all the right things." I answered truly because Asher is a gentleman and secondly I wanted to know how will Ian react...Does he care even slightly?

"Then why didn't you get some sleep?" He sounded confused and somehow hurt?

"What do you think? What do couples do when they stay up all night together?" I challenged more and then felt Ian's grip loosening around my hand so I took a step away from him and ran to my office.

He let go of me. There was no reaction at all. He just stood and watched me leave! I guess he doesn't care at all about me. I guess he is Rose's always was and will always be. 

They are forever.

"What did you tell Ian?" Nick asked as he rushed into my office as I continued to grief over my unwanted feelings for more than an hour 

"Nothing but why?" I answered trying to pull a strong facade 

"Well to say that he is angry is an understatement.  And when I asked him about the reasons he grumbled your name." Nick replied and took a seat on the other side of my desk.

"I didn't do or say anything." I denied as I refused to believe that Ian got frustrated with my announcement/lie

"You two act all cozy and close then flip on each other. You are like a typical married couple." Nick joked and I was in no mood to hear the rest of his humor 

"Well Nick if you don't mind I would like to go back to my files." I professionally said

"You will end up telling me what's wrong soon. But a piece of advice, let go of Asher nicely because you are clearly...." Nick tried to continue but saw Ian coming by

"Don't leave!? please.." I begged but Nick answered me only with this boyish grin and ran to his office 

One,...should I leave my office?

two,...should I stay and ignore him or flip at him?

three,...should I act normally...after all, he is with Rose. Cheating but yes with Rose.

"Maya!" Ian spoke harshly as he entered my office and slammed my office door shut 

"What?" I acted as innocently as possible because his angered expressions angered me 

"Tell me that you wild night didn't happen!" he ordered as he walked to my side of the office turned my wheeled chair to him and bent down looking at me right in the eyes. I wanted to push my chair away from him. I wanted to break free from his gaze and his caging arms that rested on both arm rests of my chair. 

"Why?" I asked again

"Just freaking tell me!" he spoke lowly but firmly

"You have no right to order me." I spoke firmly back at him and tried to push him away but he didn't move

"Maya..." Ian grumbled at me

"Why do you care! You are not supposed to." I questioned him as my own temper started to show

"The pull makes me..."   Ian explained calmly after minutes of silence and continuous staring

"Well I don't see you yelling at Rose and she is the married one! God knows that your stupid emotional pull with her is much much much more powerful." I finally uttered letting my jealousy, my green eyed monster show.

"Didn't Rose explain things to you?" Ian sounded taken aback

"No need. After all we are friends, You were always in love with her and I am dating Asher. now if it is okay with you, I would appreciate it if you let go and let me get back to work!" I answered strictly and tried to push him away again but his hand rapidly circled around mine sending those stupid shivers and sparks all over my body

"I love Rose and will always do but the kind of love I have for her changed!" Ian uttered shocking me

" You discovered that after or before sinking low and kissing her even though she is married ?" I challenged him again 

" never kissed her well not in a whole freaking year and a half. But you have no right to get this angry since you spent a wild night kissing, making out and doing gods knows what with Asher." he challenged back 

"I have every right because Rose is my best friend and you made a cheater out of her! and poor Jacob his heart will be broken if he ever knows in what position I found you guys...But ask yourself why are yelling at me for spending a night with my date kissing, making out or even doing god knows what!" I fired at him and tried to push him away from me with my free hand yet he captured it and drew more close to him...Just one inch and our lips will be sealed together and our heart beats will mix and fuse 

"Because...You are mine and should be mine and only mine." Ian explained possessively and something shinned in his eyes "You make me feel like a kid. You challenge me and your touch soothes me. Even Rose didn't  have such intense powers on me but you...Your eyes, lips, curves, smile, words and mind...Dammit Maya, you came into my life so suddenly but changed it all and Now I can clearly see it I want you." Ian replied and I couldn't stop my heart from skipping beats

"I am not going to be one of your flings..." I grumbled at him but my only answer was a boyish silly grin...What's up with men and these silly boyish grins lately ?

"I don't want you to be a fling...I want you to be mine and only mine." Ian repeated then attached his lips to mine in a passionate sweet kiss and I couldn't but react instantly at him...Dear god how his kisses hypnotize me and make me feel like flying. 

"I broke up with Asher last night...After I saw you with Rose...He and I both knew that I like another guy." I announced truthfully as I felt my cheek warming up and burning after our shared kiss

"What guy?" Ian asked playfully as he placed his finger under my chin and raised my head so I was looking at him in the eyes

"You..." I hushed and once again found my self lost in one of Ian's passionate kisses

So here you guys go :D 

waiting for you comments to update 

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