Little secret

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Ian's Pov:

For the very first time,  felt like I was doing the right thing. After kissing her and re-kissing and even giving her a hickey to show the world that she is mine, she threw me out of her office saying that we both need to work and that we had a conference in an hour. I hated the idea of not being with her...But I guess that I need to work...For hours, I waited for some alone time with her. For a long time, my eyes drifted to hers and my heart started beating in a new rhythm and I found in me a new kind of hunger...I was hungry for her eyes, lips, body, mind,soul and any type of connection with her. She gave me these small smiles whenever I looked her way and when I held her gaze for too long she blushed and looked away and I felt the happiest at those moments...What is she doing to me? Why am  turning in this cheese ball?

"Lunch date." I sang/yelled as I entered Maya's office

"Hey" she replied without tearing her eyes from the papers she is reading 

"May? lunch date?" I repeated and felt as bad as a kid being ignored or left out

"Sorry, Ian...I have this file to finish..You know that I haven't done much today..." she said and looked my way with those dark sparkly orbs of hers 

"May.." I said and walked to her and her cheeks immediately turned red

"Nick needs this file..." she hushed as I turned her chair around as I did earlier and caged her between my two arms 

"And I need you..." I whispered by her ear then started to leave a trail of kisses from her ear to her neck and heard her gasp 

"Ian.." she moaned my name as I continued to kiss her 

"You clearly want me too...So lunch?" I offered and she nodded agreeing and that made me grin 

"You cannot do that again..." she started as we enjoyed our meals and I couldn't help but chuckle 

"do what?" I teased knowing exactly what was her answer 

"You know the kisses ...." Maya explained in coy way and it made me want to kiss her right there and then

"you don't want me to kiss you?" I teased her more and she started turning more red 

"I didn't mean that" she hushed in a small voice and I barely heard her but that statement made me the happiest guy ever and as I leaned forward to steal one more kiss her phone beeped announcing that she got a text.

"It is Rose, she is asking how am I" May announced and then a troubled look appeared on her face 

"Don't tell her about us...She might overreact" I replied and suddenly saw all of Maya's facial reactions changed 

" Okay" Maya coldly replied 

"It is for the best..." I promised 

"okay..." Maya repeated 

"Are you upset...did I say something wrong?" I honestly questioned no knowing what happened

"Nothing at all... because clearly I am nothing but a dirty little secret ...I won't tell Rose...I won't tell Nick and also none of my family members..." She kind of yelled 

"Maya  I didn't mean that..." I honestly replied 

"Sure you didn't mean that...but I mean every word that I am going to say...Ian, I won't be your dirty little secret...I won't be your anything unless I know for sure that Rose is no more important than me...If you fear her reaction and care about her more than my reaction then I have to let you go...You made me the happiest in these few hours but if you want to keep me just as a hidden secret...then sorry but I have to much pride to be that..." Maya rapidly said as she stood from her chair and walked away 

"Maya....Maya" I yelled after her as I threw some money on the restaurant table and ran after her...What have I done? Did I freaking lose her at the same moment I had her ? 

"Maya..." I cried again as I saw her stopping a cab and getting in it 

"Dammit!" I yelled and then ran to my car to go after her 

The ride was the slowest ride ever. Cars popped out of nowhere and seemed to deliberately block my way. I felt stupid and lost! I didn't mean to hid her away from the rest of the  world. I didn't think of her as a dirty little secret...but I didn't want to face Rose...I had no will to have her nagging around Maya about how self centered I am or how cruel am I or how am I a naturally born player that will eventually end up cheating on her! 

I grumbled loudly as I entered the company and ran to her office people kept on watching me weirdly but I ignored all their stares and looks. I needed to reach her and I needed to do that fast.

"Maya." I exclaimed as I entered her office 

"Ian" she coldly replied 

"Maya you got me wrong..." I said but got no reaction 

"How?" she asked coldly without looking my way 

"I feared that Rose will convince you to let me go because I will hurt you or cheat on you or because I am not good enough for you..." I argued pleading 

"So you don't think that I trust you?" She asked and I swear that I saw tears in her eyes 

"I don't know...I mean I am not typically your type...I am anything but your type....You said it you won't dare date someone like me..." I replied remembering her once made announcement 

"I said so...I know...But since the wedding you made me feel things that I never felt...You touch makes thousands of butterflies erupt in my stomach and I see fireworks when you kiss me...the pull that you talked about is mutual...I somehow feel safe when I am around you but if you are not willing to share that pull with the world then sorry Ian. I wasn't raised to be a dirty little secret..." she cried as she stood and walked to me 

"I will never treat you as a secret I want the world to know that your mine...I hate how guys look at you and how nick hugs you or how Asher kissed you...I loathed that...But Rose..." I tried to explain 

"When you are ready to face her and acknowledge us for the most important person in my life then I will be with you but for now Ian I don't believe that you are ready for a serious relationship." Maya hushed and then kissed my cheek and went out of her office leaving me behind like a lost puppy...What have done? how can I get into and out of relationship in the same day !  

Waiting for your comments to write the next chapter !

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thanks for reading this 

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