Chapter 9

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The movement finally stopped. An eerie stillness filled the TARDIS.

"Where are we?" Clara and I asked in unison.

"Wish I knew. Aha, but we're gonna find out, now aren't we? The TARDIS had some sort of malfunction, that's how we ended up here."

"WELL WHERE IS HERE?!" I screamed at the Doctor, quite a bit louder than necessary.

Both the others looked at me liked I've gone mad.

"Sorry, sorry." I feel bad for yelling, but they've put me through a lot of stress in the last few hours.

"The TARDIS GPS system isn't working. I have no clue what's outside those doors. It could be extremely unsafe."

With that, Clara and the Doctor shared a grin and dashed right out the doors with no caution whatsoever.

They seemed so irresponsible! I can't imagine them being parents to anybody.

Realising I was going to be left behind, I burst out the doors to the TARDIS and almost crashed straight into the Doctor.

"Why are we just standing here? And for the last time, where the hell are we?"

I was a bit impatient with both of them. First they go sprinting out the doors like the White Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland, then they just sit there like a couple of lumps!

"I... I know this place..." The Doctor looks like he's just seen a ghost.

I took a good look at our surroundings. "But it looks like we're just in London. On Earth."

Clara looked just as confused as I was.

"No no no no no.... Wait in the TARDIS, both of you!" The Doctor ran off before we could question him.

"Clara, has he gone completely mad?" I was a little concerned.

"He does that a lot. Come on, let's do a little investigating ourselves." She started to make her way in the opposite direction that the Doctor went.

"But the Doctor told us to stay here!" I was scared, but I wasn't going to tell Clara that.

She rolled her eyes, which I found a bit Freaky Friday-ish since I'm the teenage daughter and she's the mum.

We started walking and with just a few steps, we came out of the shadow of the building we had been next to. We both gasped.

The air was filled with giant blimps. They all had the name of a broadcasting station on them, and it wasn't one of the usual BBC stations. This London had more skyscrapers and technology. We must have travelled into the future.

I didn't notice anything else too different about futuristic London, other than the skyline.

We ran into a gigantic crowd of people on one street, but they seemed ordinary.

"I don't know what got in the Doctor's head. Nothing is wrong here. We travelled into the future." Clara voiced my exact thoughts.

I shrugged and started making my way back to the TARDIS. "Well, we might as well go wait for the Doctor. We certainly won't get anywhere just wandering around."

Clara conceded and we weaved through the streets trying to find our way back to the TARDIS.

We came to a dead end.

"Wrong turn..." Clara muttered to herself.

As soon as we turned around, a light rain started. By the time we made it to the end of the street, it was pouring.

"Maybe we should wait inside until the rain stops!" I semi- shouted over a clap of thunder. No use getting lost even more while it was raining.

Clara grabbed my hand and we ducked into the nearest doorway, covering our heads in a vain attempt to keep the water out.

We gazed at our surroundings as soon as we were safe from the downpour.

It looked like an average hotel lobby, only totally empty. We meandered up a staircase in the corner and poked down a long hallway.

The rooms were labelled with numbers, just as they should be, and they had old fashioned keyholes instead of card swipers.

Clara glanced around to make sure nobody was watching and she started to pick one of the locks.

"What are you doing?!" I was alarmed.

"Shh! As long as we're in here we might as well look around. It looks abandoned anyway."

"Is this what you and the Doctor usually do? Break into buildings in the centre of London?"

She laughed, "Normally we don't 'break' into places. Sonicing and entering technically isn't the same thing."

Oh fun. New alien words. "Sonicing?"

"Didn't you see his sonic screwdriver? It unlocks doors and stuff. He still hasn't given me one of my own, so I'm reduced to picking locks the old fashioned way."

Whatever. Forget it, Oswin, I thought to myself. Maybe someday this will make sense.

The lock finally clicked and the door swung open. I poked my head in, trying not to express how terrified I was by Clara's casual breaking and entering.

Everything was silent for a moment, but before we had a chance to even step out of the doorframe, a mechanical sort of noise came from the closet.

Clara stepped in front of me, more confident than I was, and looked at me with a devilish grin on her face.

"Hmm. Creepy noises. Abandoned hotel. I think we both know what the Doctor would do."

With that, she flung open the closet door and out stepped a......

Actually, I have no clue what it is, but it doesn't look too nice.

Clara's eyes widened, "Run!" She shouted in my ear. She took my hand and dragged me off into the hallway.

"What's going on?" I'm a bit flustered. "That thing. What is it?"

"Cyberman," Clara panted as we were racing down the stairs. The sound of metal boots was right behind us.

The stairs finally curved into the lobby and as we rounded the bend we ran straight into the Doctor.

"Doctor! Cybermen.." Clara stopped short when she noticed the people following the Doctor.

The Doctor paid no attention to her confusion and he quickly took action, pulling us all out the door and whipping out a metal stick with a glowing tip, which I took to be his sonic screwdriver.

He soniced the door and I heard a lock slide into place.

When we were back on the street, one of the people who had followed the

Doctor spoke up with a cheeky smile,

"Well, isn't this just brilliant!"


A/N: Yay! Finally done with this chapter! Sorry for the wait!

Good news though!!!! The super awesome fezandbowties (Instagram) has provided me with the amazing new cover! yayyyyy!

Thanks for reading! Mwah!!

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