Chapter 1

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"Dance! Dance!" the king yells as my mother and I stop. "Again?! I can only do one more. Are you alright, Amelia?" I look over at my mother and smile, we throw our hands together and start to dance again. Our golden dresses mix, throwing colors throughout the air, and we land on the floor, bowing like a flower to its queen. As my mother begins to do the final moves, my legs shake and I crumble to the ground. "Amelia!", my mother yells.

 A clap sounds in the air, "What is this? Dance again. Dance!" the king says angrily, but I can no longer dance, It has been too long and the hours have tired me. 

"Your majesty," one of the elders of my people say "we are mere traveling dancers, though we are known wide for the most beautiful and elegant dancers, they cannot continue. Please allow the rest of us to dance."

" No! Are not the most beautiful dances performed by these two? I will not have you dancing here. I shall only allow them to dance." 

" I am sorry my king, but my daughter...." "Then let her die." I shiver and look up at his vengeful face. "No, please no!" my mother begins in panic.

"Take her to the dungeon.", guards gather around us and I scream for my mother, then all of a sudden I am taken over by tiredness and grief and the world goes black around me. When I awaken it is very dark and cold. A dungeon? I feel the walls and they consist of wet stone. Yes, I... am alone here in the dark, will I ever be able to see the sun again, or will this be the last place I see before my death? Horrified by this thought I curl up again and fall asleep. This time I wake up and immediately hear footsteps echoed throughout the walls. Loud noises surround me and crashes seem to boom all around, my head spins and ear-splitting screams fill the air; then suddenly a ray of light explodes as the door opens.

"Come this way." a  young boy's voice yells. "Who...who are you?" I ask as I run hesitantly to him. "Do not fear, I am the crowned prince, I will not harm you. Pirates are raiding the castle and you need to get out of here."


 Somehow later, I think, I will search for my mom and hope she hasn't been captured by pirates. It is my duty. My father would be appalled with me and my choices so far. I'm pretty much the reason for her being here. The reason for her being stuck with these people, with this life. But I banish these thoughts. My father would also be disappointed with my dwelling on it, he would say 'Forgive and Forget!'. "Hurry up! We must get you to the ship." I hear yells and whoops behind me and start running. I hear them infront of me now too. I'm imaginning things. No, I do hear people....and the crackling of fire.

 As soon as I come to this realization, I see the red-orange flames themselves. I can feel the burning heat radiating off of them. I hear a scream as I feel a hand clamp over my mouth. I am pulled into the darkness. "Come out, come out where e'er you are."

"Come 'ere pretty, we 'aint gonna 'urt you."

"Don't lie to the poor girl." "Patch! Shhh. Don't wanna scare the little princess."Princess? Where's a princess? At that moment I realize many things at once:

 1) The one with their hand over my mouth is the Prince. 

 2) I don't know the prince's name, let alone which of the four princes it is.

 3) The fire is spreading.

4)The pirates came here to look for Princess Kristen (who died abrubtly in her sleep a couple months ago, and no one knew about it except the royal family, and the workers in the castle; I found it out only when I got here).

 5)The pirates think that for some wierd reason I'm Princess Kristen.

 6)I have no idea where my mother is.

 7)I am scared out of my mind.

 8)I'm the one that screamed.

        As all this dawns on me I see the shadows of the pirates head our way and I know they have somehow spotted us. The pirates close in on us as I realize how disappointed my father would be in me.                  

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