Chapter 9

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Gabriel nods in agreement and looks at me even as he leaves to follow Randi. I try to avoid his eyes, his questions.

This can't happen. 

"Ann--" Jasper catches my arm, but I glare at him before he can finish. 

"I have to talk to Captain Ronder" I turn waiting for Jasper to release my arm. The silence passes between us with a million little sparks disturbing the air. I refuse to look at him. Who knows what my face might give away. Hurt, anger, excitement?

"I'll be in the crow's nest" He releases my arm, and I walk to the Captain's quarters.

Captain Ronder. A first glance his cold glance and twisted beard sends shivers down my spine. This cruel man can be warm and loving, but I've screwed up. No one, alive anyway, would go at the captain when his anger is unleashed.

I meet his eyes strong and slam my hand on the desk. I even go as far as to take a swig of his rum. The alcohol runs through my veins, encouraging my courage and stupidity.

'What's your plan?" I venture. The captain would never kill the prince, he is far too valuable, but this little charade of playing pirate must be for something.

"You must have more guts than I thought...or have lost your brains. I can and might still kill you."I swallow and my muscles tighten. Captain. He is like a father to me, he wouldn't.

"You wouldn't" I stammer

"Oh, but I would. Maybe I should sell your body; that would bring good money. Or I could put the prince's kidnap on your head."

"You wouldn't" the conviction in my voice is stronger this time, whether by truly knowing that he wouldn't or just trying to convince myself, I don't know.

He takes the bottle of whiskey behind him and guzzles it down, then his eyes soften. "I taught you everything. My good-for-nothing son means less to me than you do. I won't kill you, because I see in you something that I had in me when I was your age" Me? Like the captain. No.

The kind old man is back. His features relax and he looks more tired than fierce, but I remember the cold man. 'You are inexcusably, violent and exceptionally----"

"No!" I yell before he can finish speaking.

"I'm not like you. I was forced to come here" I whisper

"No one forced you to stay. You've stained your own hands with blood"

I walk out of the quarters and slam the door. I pace my steps carefully so that I draw no attention from the crew, but I'm boiling. I'm not like the captain.

I climb to the crow's nest.

I don't want to be like the captain. Fierce, alone, feared. 

I look up to see that Jasper is waiting for me. His leg is dangling over the edge and he smiles. His smile knocks me back and I hide a blush. Night has already shifted over the horizon. I sit beside him and suddenly feel tired. Jasper cracks a joke, and I comfortably lean on his shoulder. My eyes ajust to the fading light and I notice that Jasper has become quiet. I look over and meet his eyes. I try to look away, but the last ray of light hits Jasper's eyes and a shimmer of violet runs through his blue eyes. I always have known how handsome he was with his jet black hair and tan muscular body.  I skim my eyes across the ripple of his abs and notice a line of blood.

"When did you get this" I frown and feel his muscles. Jasper's stare is intense.

"You weren't going to sell the prince. You don't even have a plan do you?" he states it as a fact. Jasper has turned serious and there is no use lying to him.

I look off to the endless seas. I once thought I could run forever. I hoped I would be able to escape my past. 

"No, there is no plan. But that's not really my style" I give a soft laugh and Jasper stares. His eyes pierce every word and excuse. I should tell him the truth. I should explain. But I am a coward.

I won't be alone like the captain. So I kiss him and cover his mouth with mine. He respond intensely, and I smile as I feel him moan with the kiss. Jasper and I battle for dominance as we both press our bodies closer. He takes hold of me and kisses my neck. I shudder at his touch. I know it's cruel to distract him like this, but I need the comfort of his touch. 

"Someone might see" I manage to mutter. He nods, but I see him pout as he fixes my hair. He smiles, and the prince's face appears in my head. I open my mouth when I hear yelling. Loud clamors come from below the deck. I swivel down to  the main deck and see Randi. He is holding a knife to the prince's neck and a gun to the crew. 

Murmurs of traitor circle the ship.


I look towards Randi and his eyes widen. "Don't-D-Don't come any closer, or I will shoot!" He screams. 

"What's going on" I order an answer.

Howell steps forward. he works the cannons and has, as long as I can remember, been cased in a black suit. "I found letters, supplying the king with information on locations"

I turn and glare at Randi. I unsheathe my sword and twirl it in my hand. I will have to clean it after this. I feel the sharp point on my palm.

Randi holds the gun up in a shaking hand. I guess you can never trust friends.

The gun sounds and the crew gasps. I don't even feel the pain in my shoulder. It's just warm. The initial impact makes me stumble back a few steps.

"Amelia!" The prince struggles and the knife at his neck shakes.

I grit my teeth and slice Randi's face. A long red line reaches from his ear to his chin. His good eye will stil be of use to him, but his glass eye has shattered and blood streams down his face. He screams. The prince pushes away and runs over to me. 

"Ann! Stop. You're hurt" Jasper pushes the prince aside and tries to examine my wound.

Randi's face contorts in silent pain and sorrow before I slice his lips with a scowl. My anger boils. Jasper has gone quiet and so has the prince.

Captain Ronder's steps fill the silence and mix with the soft weeping sounds escaping from Randi's mouth. 

"What would you have done?" the captain asks me

"Keelhaul him"  The captain answers himself, whispering in my ear. "Cruelty, that's what I see in you. To condemn a man to a rope and pulley. He will be dragged under the ship as his naked flesh is torn at, then he will drown. Cruel, you are very cruel. And you will end up like me, alone and the most feared pirate on the seas."

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