Chapter 10

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"No, you're-" I stop myself before finishing my denial. He's right. I would have keelhauled him and smiled as his punishment for his treachery was fulfilled. 

I have become a barbarous person. My father, and my mother, would disown me for even thinking of such things. I-I've become the very person I used to pity. 

Tears have unknowingly filled my eyes as I come to this dissapointing realization. Both Jasper Gabe reach out to me in concern as Captain Ronder's face lights up in triumph. I drop my sword as I gasp for breath. 

"Is it such a terrible thing dearie?" Captain Ronder chuckles. 

Gabe pulls me to him as Jasper jerks the Captain to face him. "What did you say to her?" he spits out. 

"Are you sure you want to do that?" the Captain replies, looking down as Jasper's hand on his arm. By now all of the men on the deck, aside from Randi who has passed out from blood loss, have pulled out their swords and are staring at the Captain and Japser. 

Jasper shoves himself off of Captain Ronder and pulls his sword. "Fight me you bastard" he growls as his eyes narrow in enmity. 

The Captain guffaws and pulls out his sword, stained with dry blood. "You want to do this boy?" he mocks. In response, Jasper swings his sword against the Captain's. 

The men all cheer and at once pick sides, fighting with their opponents. Gabe pulls me tighter against him as swords clang and shouts of disagreement explode around us. 

And now I've started a fight to the death bewtween pirates. What a wonderful person I am. 

"No!" I shout, fighting out of Gabe's grip and running to the main fight between Captain Ronder and Jasper. "Stop! You can't do this!"

I reach them as Captain Ronder knocks Jasper's sword out of his hand. Jasper looks at me as I run yelling up beside him and cracks a grin. "Please stop fighting" I breath out. 

He shakes his head before grabbing my sword with a shout of 'thanks' and starting the fight with the Captain again. 

My chest tight, I run through the fighting to the helm. I jerk the wheel to the left, causing everybody to loose their footing with the sudden movement. They all ignore the sudden change in movement and start their fighting again, this time more violently. 

I jerk the wheel again, but to the right. This time, the men stop and look up at me at the helm.

"Stop fighting!" I yell, gasping for breath in fear. I quickly locate the Captain and Jasper and lock eyes with the latter. 

Captain Ronder's spins chilling snicker breaks the silence on the ship. 

"Annette?" Gabe questions, worry enlaced in his voice, as he hesitantly walks up the stairs towards me. 

"Stop, Gabriel" I command, stopping him from pulling me towards him again. The action would break my facade and cause me to break down from anxiety. 

"The only thing that would stop our fighting and prevent it from ever happening again would be for you to leave, dearie" Captain Ronder proclaims, laughter in his voice. 

A resolution settles in my heart as I glance at Gabe and frown. Jasper catches my look and drops his sword in dismay. "Annette...." he warns. 

"Save him?" I request of him. I glance at Gabe again and notice that confusion covers his face. 

Jasper starts running towards me, but is stopped when Captain Ronder motions for one of his men to grab him. "No!" he yells, pain contorting his face. "Stop her you idiot!" he screams at Gabe. 

I look Captain Ronder in the eye as he nods in understanding, amusement fills his eyes and a smile hints at the corner of his mouth. 

I need to save Jasper and Gabriel. This is the first choice I've made since causing mother and I to become servants and dance for the king that my father would be proud of. 

Forlornness settles in my heart as I run and jump overboard.

Two anguished yells and an amused laugh are the last things I hear before the ice cold water envelops me. All I see is darkness and all I feel is frigidness. 

At least I can't hurt anyone anymore.


Velvet encases me and the smell of warm bread surrounds me. Warm hands stroke my forehead as shivers rack my body. The hand leaves my face to pull the velvet tighter against my body. I feel frozen, apart from the velvet surrounding me and the warm body pressed against me. 

"Charles, bring more blankets please, she's still freezing" a deep voice says from right beside me. 

A couple minutes later more velvet is wrapped around me. The velvet must be blankets. Lips press against my cheek as the warm hand finds it's way to my forehead again. I crack my eyes open as the ice starts to leave my body. 

Golden ornaments and wooden furniture is placed around the room. Dim lights shine from various areas in the room, and a man dressed in a suit stands holding a candle in one of the room's corners.

"I wonder who she has become" the person pressed against me whispers. 

"She seems to be a pirate, that or a stowaway" the man in the corner replies, his disgust barely concealed.

"She's beautiful" the other person says. Every time he speaks shivers trail down my spine. 

Where's the ship? Where's Jasper and Gabriel? Are they okay, or did Captain Ronder decide to get rid of them? I jumped to save their lives...they must be fine. I must believe that they are alive and well and that they will remain so. 

The warm hand strokes my hair and I shut my eyes from the comfort it brings. Now that I'm warm, lethargy invades my mind. 

"Gabriel and Jasper need to be alright" I murmur before my breathing slows and I doze off in these strange new surroundings and company.

Comments please? Tell me what you think- honest opinions required. Just leave a remark on the change of events and such....thank you!! :D :*  -meTdot

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