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Princess' LOVE
Chapter 10 - birthday
31 July 2015 11:34PM

From: TaeTae
To: Fany boo
What are you up to tomorrow?
31 July 2015 11:35PM
From: Fany
To: TaeTae boo
I have shooting tomorrow for onstyle with the girls :(
31 July 2015 11:35PM
From: TaeTae
To: Fany boo
What's with the sad face, love? Shouldn't you be happy?
31 July 2015 11:35PM
From: Fany
To: TaeTae boo
You know.. I want my day off.
Their conversation goes on and on. It's Tiffany's birthday tomorrow but with a shooting schedule that takes up almost the whole day, it's very difficult for Taeyeon to plan a surprise for her. This problem have been in his mind for weeks and he can't seemed to think of any.
"I want to be number one..."Tiffany whined as she lost the game between the soshi members, coming in last with Yuri for the water slide and balloon bursting game. Yuri saw that look on Tiffany's face and she immediately send a text to Taeyeon to get him to send Tiffany an encouraging text.
1 August 2015 8:04PM
To: Fany boo
From: TaeTae
You are my number one, boo. You are da best!
Tiffany smiled at Taeyeon's text and the soshi members sigh in relief that the surprise for Tiffany with onstyle will probably still go on.
From: Fany
To: TaeTae boo
How do you know? :( the girls told you, didn't they?
From: TaeTae
To: Fany boo
My heart is linked with yours. I can sense it when my girl is upset. Love you.
The rest of the game continues smoothly with Tiffany smiling all the way despite her not winning. Taeyeon got a message from Yoona, saying that they are at the indoor skating ring, giving out the prizes for the competition.
Fany's gonna be sad.. - Taeyeon
He quickly make his way to the skating ring and hid well so that Tiffany doesn't see him. The rest of the soshi members know about the surprise and they helped him along. He is going to come out after onstyle gave Tiffany her surprise.

"Happy birthday, Princess."Taeyeon quickly make his way to the skating ring after the filming crew signaled to him that they have ended the filming. Everyone in this is aware about Taeyeon coming over except for Tiffany. She is still too absorbed in the video montage that the soshi members prepared for her. Taeyeon felt his heart break when he heard her sniff. He back hugged her and she stiffened in his hold.
"Omo!"Tiffany was shocked by the sudden contact and she thought it was one of her 'sisters'.  That the warm and lovely voice that she love to hear tells her otherwise.
"TaeTae!!"Tiffany immediately turn around and buried her head in Taeyeon's chest. Taeyeon have asked the security guard to keep watch of the indoor theme park to not let anyone in. Only the girls and the filming crew is in the theme park as they are the only ones that know about Taeny.
"So happy seeing me huh?"Taeyeon smiled at the latter's reaction and he rubbed her back.
"Of course! I never thought that I will see you today."Tiffany continue her blabber like the usual out going girl.
"I prepared a food support truck for you guys. Eat something before you girls go home and the production crew as well."Taeyeon announced with an arm around Tiffany's waist. The girls cheered as they saw the truck drove in with the air smelling like churros. It's a sudden trend that everyone is having that. Everyone quickly thanked Taeyeon before they crowd around the food truck and enjoy some warm delicious finger food.
"Wait, how do you know what time I end?"Tiffany narrowed her eyes suspiciously at Taeyeon.
"Ehh. I have my ways to find out more about my princess. Now, let's go enjoy our night together. Are you hungry, babe?"Taeyeon slipped his hands into Tiffany's and he pulled her towards the food truck.
"Yes. How do you know I want to have churros now?"Tiffany followed Taeyeon's pull with a smile plastered on her face.
"Because that's the only food my American princess will never say no to."Taeyeon brought up Tiffany hand and he gave it a kiss.
"Wait for me here."Taeyeon sit Tiffany down on a chair before he ran to get some soda and churros for Tiffany.
"Eat up, babe. We only have an hour before the end of your birthday."
"It's alright, TaeTae. Getting to spend some time with you now is good enough. I really didn't expect to be able to see you today."
"I'm.. so h-happy!!"Tiffany said with her mouth filled with churros and sipping her cup of soda at the same time.
"You have no idea how adorable you look now. You pull off the minion pull over so so well with that hair bun up."Taeyeon lean in to give Tiffany a kiss on her cheeks. Tiffany giggled from Taeyeon's sweet words as she always enjoy being pampered by Taeyeon.

"Which horse do you want to ride, Fany ah?"They walked towards the colorful and brightly lid carousel.
"This one!"Tiffany pointed excitedly towards the pinkish pastel looking horse. She looked like a little kid who is spending her time in an amusement park.
"As expected from my pink princess!"Taeyeon helped Tiffany get on the carousel horse and that she is safe before he hop on to the horse beside hers.

You shouldn't sleep too late tonight, Fany ah. You have a DMC MBC music festival to attend tomorrow."Taeyeon walked Tiffany to SNSD's dorm with his hand in hers.
"How do you know that again?"Tiffany gasped.
"Did you take note of every single schedule I have?"
"I have to plan my surprise well so that I don't tire you out and that you get sufficient sleep. That's how I found out."
"But still.. Is it Yoong?"Tiffany narrowed her eyes at Taeyeon. She have told the girls to not leak all her schedules out to Taeyeon because she knows that Taeyeon don't like it when she tire herself out.
"N-no."Taeyeon swallowed his saliva hard.
"Get in, babe.''Taeyeon tried to rush Tiffany into the dorm so that she stops asking him questions and making future birthday planning more difficult.
"Don't change the topic, Kim TaeTae!!"Tiffany did her mini storm with her feet and that got Taeyeon to rush back to his girlfriend.
"Babe, some things are better not known. Don't be angry now."Taeyeon back hugged her and he gave her a kiss on her cheek.
"You always have your way of making me not angry huh?"Tiffany scoffed before she turned around to look at Taeyeon in the eye.
"Are you staying over tonight? Please please please please. Please stay~"Tiffany pouted her lips and she gave Taeyeon her puppy eyes.
"If you quit being angry then i'll stay."Taeyeon cutely tapped her nose and chuckled.
"Is this how you soothe your girlfriend? Your skills suck."Tiffany teased. She linked her arm with Taeyeon as they walk towards her room.
"Wait."Taeyeon took out a blindfold from his backpocket and he tie it around Tiffany's head.
"What are you doing, TaeTae?"
"Patience sweetie."Taeyeon kissed Tiffany on the lips to stop her from talking.
"There better not be any insects prank or you die. And don't leave me in the room without the lights on."
"SSHHH! Baby why are you ruining the mood!"Now its Taeyeon's turn to pout but sadly Tiffany cannot see it.
"Are you ready?"Taeyeon tighten the last knot around her head and he rest his arms around her waist, backhugging her. Tiffany tighten her hold on Taeyeon's arms and she nodded.
"It's not gonna be that bad, trust me."Taeyeon opened the door and he carefully led her in. He untie the blindfold and let it rest around her neck. Different shades of pink helium balloons were folding on the ceiling of her room and there were rose petals scuttered around the floor and most importantly, there is a box lying in the middle of the bed.
"Oh my goodness TaeTae!!"Tiffany grasped in shock and she covered her mouth with her hand before she turn arounf to face Taeyeon.
"When did you do all these, TaeTae?"
"Not telling."Taeyeon gently pull Tiffany towards the bed.
"I will do anything to make you happy, I swear."Taeyeon took the elegantly wrapped box on the bed and he passed it to Tiffany.
"Open it."Tiffany took the box and her eyes were glued to Taeyeon, asking him if she should really open it. As if Taeyeon understands, Taeyeon smiled and nodded his head, signalling her to open it. He wrap his arms around her and wait for her to open the box. It is a silver necklace with a 'S' shaped pendant with many swarovski diamonds embedded on it. Taeyeon took out the necklace and he help Tiffany wear it. After that, he cupped her face and kissed her on her forehead.
"Happy Birthday, love."
"Thank you, Kim Taetae!"Tiffany smiled and she buried her head in Taeyeon's chest as she listen to his steady heartbeat with the lovely vanilla scent lingering in the air. Taeyeon have gotten into her room while the girls are busy filming to scatter the pink helium balloons around her room. He then spread some vanilla scented candle around the room and he requested the girls to light it up on his behalf while he take Tiffany out for a short detour before coming back to the dorm. 
"Go shower, bae. You smelly, boo."Taeyeon rush Tiffany into the toilet and he pat her butt.
"I'm laaazzzyy. I have been soaking in the chlorine water and my skin is so eww. I don't want to shower anymore, Tae."Tiffany pouted and she clinged onto Taeyeon so that he doesn't have a choice but to let the latter go to sleep without having to shower.
"No sweetie, you should at least rinse off the cholrine properly, just rinse only, not a full shower."Taeyeon help Tiffany sit on the toilet bowl before he squat down in front of her.
"But i'm tired. Shower me."Tiffany whined.
"Sure. What my princess wants, my princess gets."

hello marshmallows! I know it's been long and I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I do. this chapter got inspired by the onstyle show that the girls were on last year and one of their episodes is filmed on Tiffany's birthday if you can remember. Anyway, leave a comment below on your thoughts on this chapter and feel free to give story request. Have a good week ahead! xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2016 ⏰

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