Chapter Four

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Mmmmmmm Nandos is 10x better than what I remembered. I'm pretty sure Niall could eat a whale. He has as much food a everyone here all together. At first I didn't believe him when he ordered it, so I said that he couldn't do it. He made a bet with me that if he finished all of his food, Harry and I had to kiss. Of course I said yes, it's humanly impossible for someone to eat that much food.

Boy was I wrong. I'm sitting here watching Niall scarf down his food, as everyone cheers him on except for Harry and I. Am I going to actually kiss Harry? Does he want to? He was flirting with me and all, but does he? Do I want to kiss Harry? I feel like I'm going to pass out.

"Are you alright, love?" Harry asks with a concerned look. My heart jumps at the sound of love coming out of his mouth. I know it's a common thing to say here, know.

"Yeah I'm fine," I give him a weak smile. As Harry goes to reply I hear everyone at the table screaming "OHHHHHHH." When I look over I see Niall putting the last bit of food in his mouth, as he puts both of his arms up punching the air and flexing.

"You guys have to kiss now!!!!" Niall points at Harry and I.

I turn to Harry. We practically have a conversation with our eyes. He just shrugs and we both lean in. When I feel his lips on mine, it's like a bolt of electricity runs through me. I know, corny. As we pull away I notice flashed of light. When I turn to the window, there are about 10 people with fancy cameras snapping as many pictures as they can.

"Oh no. It's the paparazzi." I hear Liam whisper. I turn towards Harry with wide eyes, he has the same expression. There's one thing different though, there's something different in his eyes....

Before I know what's happening, all of the boys get up and run. Harry grabs me, and Niall grabs Lily. We run in the opposite direction of the paparazzi. I don't know how long we run for, but all I know is that I shouldn't have worn flip flops.

When we stop we're all panting and I have no idea where we are, it's too dark to see anything. I also notice that Harry has been holding my hand this whole time, and he still is. I guess Harry noticed the same time I did because we both looked at our intertwined hands, and quickly pull away.

"I'll call Paul," Zayn states.

"No. You can't call Paul. This is the first night he's had off it months, let him be with his family." Liam replies.

As they're talking about what they should do, I notice something. The corner store around the block from my house is right in front of us. It all adds up now, we drove from the concert to Nandos, and then ran for at least ten minutes straight.

"Hey guys, I just noticed something," I say as the all turn towards me, "My house is right around the corner, we can go there until you guys get a ride."

"Oh yeah!"Lily screams excitedly, "Come on it's this way, follow me."

It took us about five minutes to get back. My house is a pretty decent size, not as big as any of the boys houses are, but it's pretty big. Especially since there's only 3 people living here. We have like 8 guest rooms.

"Nice house," Harry nudges me in the side to get my attention.

"Thanks," I give him a genuine smile.

When we walk in the door, my mum is on the couch reading a book. She didn't have to wait for us, it's almost midnight.

"Hello gir...oh. Um hello," my mom says utterly confused.

I laugh, "Mum, meet the boys. Harry, Louis, Niall, Zayn, and Liam." I say like it's the most normal thing in the world. She's probably really confused on why they're here.

"Hello boys, she says in a cheerful yet still confused voice, "I'm Lisa."

They all shake her hand, and exchange their hellos.

"Well, I'm awfully tired. I must be off to bed. It was nice meeting you boys," she gives them a smile and a small wave before she heads upstairs.

We sit down and talk for a little bit. They get our twitters, tumblrs, and instagrams. Harry steals my phone and goes through it, and takes a bunch of selfies. I don't really put up a fight because I know he'll end up winning. Then he asks me to take selfies with him. Man does this boy like selfies. We take a couple of silly ones and then one serious one. The picture is so cute, it looked like one of those cute couple photos. Except, Harry and I aren't a couple.

"Our rides here," Louis states with a sad face.

"But I don't want to goooooo!" Niall pouts like a little baby.

Everyone hugs and says their goodbyes. They promise that they will keep in touch with us. As they are all leaving, Harry's the last one to walk out. He turns his head and winks at me. My heart literally melts.


Woo-hoo! A kind of long chapter! :P So much happened!! Gahhh they kisses!! Next chapter will be up either tomorrow or Sunday:) Happy late Thanksgiving!


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