a m o n g t h e w i l d f l o w e r s

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i'm going to empty you into my writing
every word, every touch, every hurt

it doesn't sound like power anymore
the force has seeped out of me
makes these words feel weak
i wish i stung you like you sting me
i wish you'd stop ripping my heart from the seams
stitching me back together as you please
i am cursed with a bitter distain
i'm hypocritical myself, i've done the same thing
i've hurt souls, the few and far between
and if you don't believe that,
take a moment to think
where does the sweet in my bitter reside?
i'm a stupid facade of smiles and lies

i'm losing touch with life again
my concentration is gone,
as is my will to stay conscious
i hope dissociation pulls me back in
to another blanket of cloud-brain
and the world turns quickly
my auto-pilot cuts off everyone i know
and with that, my way out of the hole

i hope it makes months feel like days
i hope it makes nothing feel like home

i hope i forget everything i've ever said.

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