Travail Chronicles.

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themes | canon compliant with a few tweaks, friendship, reaction-to-future, epic fantasy, mystery/thriller

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themes | canon compliant with a few tweaks, friendship, reaction-to-future, epic fantasy, mystery/thriller.

© the writing raven

started | april 28, 2024

ended | ???

If the stars hadn't fallen, would you make a wish tonight? If stars are lost, would you spare time to take a sight? If stars don't twinkle, could you still see the light? And if the stars aren't there, would you still cherish the night?

Lumine and her new companion, Paimon, were brought into a strange place by a strange person who calls themself "The Writing Raven" just before the worst period of her journey in Mondstadt began. The thing is, Lumine is not alone. There are about forty more people in the same room as her, all unfamiliar and unique in their own way, with a promise of future companionship and timeless adventures to come.

And the strange raven with the writing quill said they will give them all a chance to watch their own destinies-for better or for the worse.

Or: the majority of Genshin Impact cast had been plucked out of their every day, normal life—as normal as it could be—by a mysterious stranger from afar who claims that they can show them the past, present and future of Teyvat. Set when Lumine and Paimon have yet to arrive in Mondstadt and even before 'The Outlander Who Caught the Wind' began.

Disclaimer|this story is a work of fanfiction. The names, characters, businesses, places, things, ideas and events are all belongs to Mihoyo/Hoyoverse respectively, I own nothing but the plot (and my mascot), and it was use in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to an actual person, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

All rights are reserved to Hoyoverse. But no part of this fanfiction may be reproduced, distributed, translated, and transmitted in any form of media or by any means, without the permission of the writer themselves. Plagiarism is a crime.

Art above is credited to @darwh on pixiv!

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