Chapter 002: The Whereabouts of the Flower that Departs.

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Just as Stormterror began terrorising Mondstadt itself, the number of hillichurls advancing near the city almost doubled as well. Amber perfectly knew that this was an unusual activity. Those monsters don't usually set camp somewhere near civilisations, and in the instance they do, something bad will surely happen.

As the only Outrider of the Knights of Favonius,it was part of her duty to clear those camps out, for the safety of the citizens and tourists.

"—Ah, I knew I'd find you here." A cheerful voice spoke behind Amber just as she was overlooking the next camp she was tasked to eradicate.

"Wahh!" She jolted in surprise, almost summoning her bow and Baron Bunny to throw at the sudden intruder. "W-What do you think you're doing?! My heart leaped from my throat you know!"

"Shh." The stranger, wearing a suspiciously black cloak decorated with black feathers, put their finger to their lips. "Not another fuss, Amber. Else you might trigger those hillichurls."

"Who's fault will that be, you suspicious outlander?!"

"Come with me." The stranger ignored her, holding out their gloved hand.

"Huh? To where?" Amber frowned. "Wait, nevermind that! Who are you, even?"

"Oh, just a nobody passing by, I assure you." The Outrider caught a glimpse of gold and silver twinkling beneath their cloak. "I don't have much time to chat, I'm afraid, but I promise, I will explain everything later. Just take my hand."

"What's this all about, anyway?" Amber insisted, looking at them with open suspicion. No way she'll just go wherever this stranger tells her to!

"I can show you the answers you seek the most." They replied calmly. "I know how to stop the disaster Mondstadt is facing. I can show you the way to victory, with the least amount of casualty."

Amber's suspicions spiked tenfold. "How would you even know that?!" When not even Jean, the Acting Grand Master, knew how to easily resolve their issue with Stormterror. Not that she's doubting Jean, Barbatos forbid, but Amber knew how the Dandelion Knight tirelessly worked day and night in trying to peacefully reconcile with the sky dragon.

"...I can also show you the whereabouts of your grandfather."

Her heart almost stopped at the stranger's next words. And trying as she to force back her calm, Amber's brown eyes widened.

"How did you—?"

"So, take my hand." The stranger cut her off, holding out their palms once more. "I promised I wouldn't do anything to jeopardise your nor Mondstadt's freedom. You have my word."

"How can I trust you? You don't even try introducing yourself!" The Outrider knew better than to trust a stranger, let alone a clearly suspicious one, but...but, how did they know she's looking for her grandfather...?

(What if...?)

"Well, I have many names, called by those whom I promised to save." The cloaked figure replied thoughtfully. "But usually, I'm known as The Writing Raven. Or simply Raven would do."

"Writing? You're a writer?"

"Oh, yes, I am!" Their voice spiked cheerfully again. "Anyway, what I am isn't important. I offered answers for your predicament, now, it's your choice whether you'll take it or leave it."

"You aren't trying to scam me, are you? Or are you a Fatui in disguise or something meant to lower my guard down?" Amber grumbled, thought her resolve weakening. When Raven merely shook their head, she sighed in defeat. "Ugh! Fine, let me just finish my job first then I'll come with you."

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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