Prelude: The Start of the Beginning.

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Ever since her twin brother had been mercilessly taken away from her, Lumine knows no reprieve nor genuine rest.

Waking up in an unfamiliar and cruel world alone, she cannot bring herself to relax even for a second, knowing that God might be watching her back, scorning and laughing in her high throne, just waiting for the perfect moment to strike again to finished her off just as she was about to let her guard down.

Because that was their mistake when they stepped foot in that place, she and her brother became too complacent of their powers that the twins thought they could just leave this world easily behind—just like what they usually do in other worlds they traverse.

But her powers are sealed, her brother was taken away, she was left trapped in this world with no way out.

Lumine refused to let herself cry and mope though, when she realised the reality of it all once she awoke. She promptly began her wandering, cautious and curious like the traveller she used to be with her other half, to not waste any more time.

She did briefly lament how she would understand the language spoken in this world, but even that has been miraculously resolved when she met—or fished out, quite literally that is—a certain fairy-like child one day while she's out making dinner for herself.

And now, that strange fairy, Paimon, had become an irreplaceable part of her journey across the seven nations. A presence of which soothes the massive void of loneliness in her heart left in the wake of her twin's absence.

Months had passed since then, Paimon proclaims that she's ready to begin their journey since she can now properly hold a conversation in Teyvatian language, with Mondstadt as their first stop.

"The path ends here, guess we'll just have to climb." Paimon shrugged her small shoulders, beckoning her to climb a rather huge boulder. "Climbing—"

"—depletes stamina, and depleted stamina takes time to recover."

Paimon's screech had surprised Lumine more than the new voice that abruptly joined their conversation. Her fingers had almost left their purchase on the rock and though she'll unlikely sustain injuries, the mysterious figure had managed to grab her hand in time to pull her back to her feet effortlessly.

"What was that for?" When Paimon's shock faded, she glared at the stranger with a pout. "And how did you know what Paimon was going to say?!"

"With how many times you've said those lines repeatedly, I know everything by heart now." They said, amusement was evident in their voice.

"What did that even mean?!"

They chuckled. "No worries, little fairy. You'll understand in due time."

Lumine tilted her head, examining them with tense shoulders. She couldn't tell whether they were a male or a female just by the timbre of their voice—it's both soft and cheerful, leaving no room for judgement. They wore a long, black robes, intricately decorated with black feathers, with golden and silver linings, around their shoulders, their hood covering the top of their head.

With Lumine's sharp eyes though, she could see the tips of their dark hair, as black as the starless night skies itself, with a pair of slitted eyes—one with striking gold and the other with amaranthine silver—hidden behind a black-rimmed spectacles.

"Who are you?" Lumine carefully asked, standing straight and ready to summon her sword should the need arise.

"Wonderful! That goes on beyond the 'script'." The stranger smiled, clapping their hands, seemingly not minding their growing hostility. "Theoretically, I'm just a nobody. But you can refer to me as The Writing Raven, or simply Raven would do."

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