Chapter 001: A Destiny Set in Motion.

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a destiny set in motion.

"Greetings, everyone. Again, I am The Writing Raven. And just as all of you know, you took my hand on your own free will to come here." They eerily smiled, and it sent shivers down Lumine's spine as she saw the jagged teeth they hide behind their polite facade. "—I'm pleased to welcome you all to my wonderland, seekers of the past, present and future."

"Free will, my foot. You literally beat me into agreeing!" A ginger-haired male, Tartaglia, spoke up, a pout in his voice as he crossed his arms. "I demand a rematch!"

"I can't say you didn't deserve that." Keqing bluntly said, scoffing.

"I agree." Diluc scowled. "Though a Fatui scum like him needs more than just a beating."


"But it's true that you were about to kidnap us if we didn't agree, you know." Yanfei pointed out.

"Kidnapped is such a strong word!" Raven protested from the front, waving their hand frantically when most of the people nodded in agreement. "I told you guys I have no malicious intentions. And you all did take my hand on your own, regardless of what method I use!"

Lumine started to gain a headache with all this commotion. So, she's not the only one that Raven seeks out? And judging from their conversation, that black bird is the one responsible for the small bruises of some—especially of that ginger-haired guy.

The Writing Raven must be a powerful being. Though she can sense nothing special from their presence, isn't that make things more suspicious? Because they smell nothing, the feeling of their power is nonexistent, and it puts more strange emphasis on the words they uttered the first time they met 'I'm just a nobody'.

"But why do you bring us all here?" Yoimiya asked curiously.

"Didn't I say that already? But, yes, to show you the past, present and future!" Raven replied patiently.

Raven then explained what they were doing in this place to those who weren't listening to them before. Apparently, they had known of Teyvat's destiny, including the ones residing inside it. They wanted to prevent something terrible from happening, and for that, they approached the key figures of the said destiny, the people who could bring change, and bring all of them to their mansion.

"Is this even allowed?" Furina asked, an uncharacteristic frown on her face. When she realised that all attention turned to her, she twitched. "A-Ahem! What my magnanimous self means is that defying the divine throne is close to being daring—or daresay, foolish. Why, I commend your audacity to even try!"

"If it's me, sure." Raven said in amusement, answering the silent question that most have in their heads. "Don't worry about Celestia, they cannot touch you as long as you're in my domain. This place is somewhere isolated from Teyvat's dimension, the heaven doesn't have power to influence you all here."

"That seems reassuring. But what will happen the moment we leave, then?" Venti smiled leisurely, but it has a hint of sharpness that is anything but.

"What we might gain from this destiny you speak of might cause unnecessary conflict with Celestia." Zhongli added, his iridescent eyes narrowing.

"Offending the Heavenly Principles by sharing this knowledge with everyone could bring harm to Eternity so I must dissuade you. Return us all." The Raiden Shogun mechanically said, her presence so strong and intimidating that most of the people around her, most specifically the Inazumans, scooted far from her warily.

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