Chapter 4

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"Hey....hey....wake up...its morning Ethan is waiting to make us breakfast.  Coming down?" I asked whispering as I know Alyssa is always grumpy in the mornings.

"Leave me alone. I couldn't too well last night. I'll come down in bit." She replied and yawned.

" Fineee." I said. I made my way down the stairs and turned to the left thinking maybe it's the kitchen. I opened the door surprising myself to the laundry room. I wasn't too sure but I thought maybe it was Ethan's mom but before I closed the door shut, she said "Oh hi. Are you one of Ethan's new friends?" She asked with the kindest and sweetest smile.

"Ummmm....yes...." I said this as I was not so sure about since I never actually hung out with Ethan.

"You aren't sure if you are Ethan's friend?" She said laughing and I laughed with her, trying my best not to be awkward as possible.

"I was actually looking for the kitchen and sorta got lost."

"Oh it's right down the hallway and then make a left." She said smiling. She had the most beautiful smile to be quite honest.

Walking through the hallway I saw a few portraits and realized that there were names at the bottom of the paintings. It was Ethan's.

"Hey, are u coming to eat or what? I'm still making our eggs and bacon..would you like some tea to go with your breakfast?"

"Oh hey. Yeah I'm coming. By the way I didn't know u can paint."

"Yeah I just do art when I'm bored and got nothing to do. I guess you know my big secret now." He laughs.

Wow, he's the captain of the football varsity team, paints, has a freaking six pack, looks good with bed head hair and oh my shouldn't be here. Mom is gonna kill me if she finds out I'm at some boy's house after a party. I'm so grounded.

"Hey! Hey! Are u always zoned out like that?" Ethan said with a curious face while I was still getting my mind in place.

"Oh sorry..what did u say?" I asked puzzled.

"Areee..yo..." he started to speak again but then everything became blurry and all wonky at the same time. My vision got blurry as everything was spinning weirdly around me. I don't know but it seemed as if Ethan was coming towards me as if I was about to fall and I think...I don't know...then suddenly I felt sudden cold on my arms and legs. I think..I don't know...I think I fell....

"Umm I on the floor? I can't feel anything...I'm scared...."
"Don't worry everything's alright."
"Where are u carrying me?"
"I'm just carrying u back up to my room and I think u need to rest some more and to maybe see a doctor as soon as possible."
" Um okay...."

I still couldn't feel anything but I sensed Ethan placing me onto his bed.

"Araura...I'll be right back okay? I'm gonna bring our breakfast in bed. You need something to keep your body up and energized." Ethan said walking through back into the hallway.

I just plainly stared at the ceiling as if I couldn't move a muscle in my eyes. It was weird. What is happening to my body?
Then out of no where my eyes quickly and swiftly looked to the right where Ethan was standing with the breakfast in his hand.

He just stood there beside his door frame. With an expression of shook plastered onto his face.

My eyes moved away a from him and around the room...

Was just....
In mid air....

Did I do this?

What is happening?

This is not real....


Everything was now back onto the floor.

"Ethan?" I asked.

"Hey......" he if he was scared and confused.

"What just happened?"

"I don't know."

" that our breakfast?"

"Oh yeah..yes it is!"

"Hey Araura...did u just do that? Yunno...did u just raise those things up in the mid air?"

"I don't felt like it did..but I don't know."

"Hey, u should really eat your breakfast."

"Yeah I really should." I said taking a bite full of egg and bread with bacon.

"Oh my god! Your leg! It's bleeding!"

Ethan got off his bed as quickly as possible and grabbed the bandaged lying beside his bed stand along with the mentallated spirit to apply to the wound.

He slowly grabbed my leg and used a cotton to clean the wound with the mentallated spirit.

That stinged like hell to be very honest.

He then wrapped the bandage around my wounded area.

"Thank you so much Ethan. I really appreciate it." I said with a really sweet face.

"Don't mention it. Come gotta eat and drink up some vitamin C."

Omg sorry guys. For my very very late update. I really do apologize. I hope you all enjoy this chapter. Don't forget to comment what you think is gonna happen next!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2017 ⏰

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