2 • Oliver

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Angels exist. I would know because I've seen one. It's only a month into sophomore year, but I've seen this angel since the start of freshmen year.

I'm a practical person, using facts as most should. But oh well. Yeah I guess I'm the typical nerd, but I don't care. I like to be confident and ignore people who say rude things. I've heard them all.

But he was perfect in almost every way. It's hard to describe what I felt, but I wanted to talk to him since I'd first seen him. To just be close to him would've been enough.

When I heard those delicate footsteps, I knew. I almost could feel it. It was him. Vincent Darrins.

I phased it off and kept my cool, just listening to the teacher, but trust me it was difficult.

I'm not really sure what it was about him. Whether it was his skill in art, his timidity, or maybe just his simple presence, but whatever it was made me long to talk to him.

I met him in standard art last year. We had it together for third period and I had sat next to him. I always loved his art, and only had a conversation with him once, but it was one I will probably always remember.

I had asked how long he'd been drawing, and he told me as long as he could remember. I asked if anyone else in his family drew, and he just simply answered that his mother used to, but not anymore. I gave him a smile, and he returned it with a shy, but equally bright smile.

I can only imagine how perfect his full smile is. I don't think anyone has seen it, not even his mom.

He walked up and the teacher said to introduce himself. This was my moment to help him out.

I went up to help him out, keeping cool in front of my only two friends, but my closest.

After introducing him, I smiled. I hoped he couldn't see anything beneath it. He looked confused, as well as... well, I'm not sure.

He left to talk with the teacher as we went outside to work out. My two best friends, Connor and Shaun, lined up next to me to start running.

"Well that was odd," Connor said, looking over at me with his snarky grin he gets.

"Yeah you seemed all over him," Shaun tweeted after. They both laughed.

"Ah c'mon, I was just bein' friendly. He seems quiet, he needs friends," I said, giving a grin to hide anything and everything.

Fact was, I didn't know if I wanted him to be my friend, or something more. Thinking back, I wasn't a big sucker for girls. Out of all the times I wanted to get close to anyone, Vincent and this girl in my fourth grade class named Tatiana were it.

As we started to run, something felt... wrong. I felt overheated, and just tired. More than usual. I looked towards the gym from the track and saw Ms. Carlson walk out and watch us run. I went to her, and asked if I could go to the bathroom since I didn't feel good, which she agreed as long as I returned, at the most, ten minutes.

I ran into the gym towards the locker rooms, which is also the bathroom, and went to the sink to scoop up some water and use the urinal.

As I finished my business, and started to wash my hands, I heard the shower turn on.

For a moment, I forgot anyone was supposed to be in there, then I remembered Vincent.

Vincent showering... it was something I didn't dare think of, but couldn't help it.

"Hello?" I called.

No response. I walked over to the showers, which was just a small area that was tiled and had about 7 shower heads. I walked up to the squared area and saw him standing there, in the middle section of the wall across from me, bare naked.

I should've just walked away. My glasses began to fog up from the steam, and I took them off to clean them, but ended up dropping them onto the floor. The sounds seemed louder than it should've been, and rang in my ears.

Vincent turned around and saw me there, picking my glasses up.

As I stood back up, there he was. Bare a few feet in front of me when I cleaned my lenses and put them back on my face.

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