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I turned the knob of the center shower head on the far wall.

I hadn't taken a shower that morning, so I was lucky they had showers here at the school. Even hair and body soap.

I'd set my clothes at the far end of the bench outside the showers to be sure they wouldn't get misty or wet.

The hot water fell onto me and made my body feel more relaxed than it's felt in forever. The water wasn't even a high pressure, surprisingly. It was loud, though.

I ran my fingers through my hair so it'd be out of my face, and closed my eyes. The water falling onto my face was calming.

I put my right hand on the wall and leaned into it, letting water trickle down my back and legs.

Then there was a loud sound of something dropping. I turned around to see Oliver cleaning his glasses to simply put them back on.

His face became a bright red, and I could feel mine do so as well.

"What the hell!?" I exclaimed, turning back around and covering myself with my hands as well as I could.

"I am so sorry! I heard someone in here and I didn't realize it was you and-"

"Why would you just walk in on someone showering?!"

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't get to properly introduce myself."

"I don't think now is a good time," I said, trying to get closer to the wall.

He stepped into the shower and extended his hand towards me. I looked at his hand, then back up at him.

"Dude, I seriously don't think you wanna shake my hand. Can you please just go now?"

He stared at me for a moment.

"Oh I'm sorry! See ya around," he said, his face still bright. He left without another word.

I turned back towards the shower head and let the water run back down me.



I walked back to the small hall that separated the locker room from the gym.

I leaned against the wall separating the hall and gym, and slid down to a crouch. I hugged my knees, and closed my eyes.

God, that was embarrassing. But more than that. It was hard to decipher what I felt. I didn't know what was wrong with me.

As soon as I closed my eyes, I saw him again. His body under the water, and his face seemingly flawless under the natural light of the small blurred out windows above the shower heads.

His black hair perfectly slick back with water, some strands had fallen onto his face, his eyes a perfect dark brown and his body the most flawless olive shade.

It was weird how a human body could be so... perfect. All I could see was him when I closed my eyes.

I let out a sigh, and got back up. I walked back towards the doors out to the track where Connor and Shaun waited for me.

You're That One Kid // *BL, YAOI, SMUT*Where stories live. Discover now