12 • Oliver

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AN: I'm not sure why but some of these chapters haven't been visible?? Idk why. I'm sorry.

We all sauntered into the locker room to change. Vincent's locker happened to be next to mine luckily.

After I finished getting changed, Connor took me by surprise and pulled me away from Vince and Shaun to talk.

"So what's the story with Vincent hanging around all the sudden?" He whispered. I didn't understand why he was getting all worked up and defensive about it. I knew he didn't appreciate new people hanging around, but I had even told him Vincent was quiet and needed friends.

"Connor, Vincent's quiet and needs friends. Like I said Friday, I'm being friendly."

"Didn't think you guys were that close, hm?"

"We hung out over the weekend to get to know each other. We're friends is all, Connor so just chill, okay?"

He made a face, and backed off. I returned back towards Vincent, his locker was close to mine, and Shaun, who's locker was right underneath mine.

Vince looked up at me and smiled. He pulled his shirt on over his head, struggling to get his arms through the sleeves. He pulled the shirt down over his abdomen, and I gulped.

I wanted to help him get his shirt on. I wanted to embrace him. But here in front of everyone would've made both him, I, and everyone else uncomfortable.

We left the locker room, all four of us, and out to the gym.

"Alright guys, since it's raining pretty hard today and the current unit is soccer, we can do some warmups and if we work hard, some kids shows in the workout room," Ms. Carlson explained to us.

Working out was not my favorite thing, I was okay at sports however, but I was willing to work hard to spend the class watching shows with Vince.

We started warmups and Vince had gone next to me. I didn't think he would, since I kind of had the idea that he wasn't the most athletic and wouldn't want me to see him struggling.

But honestly, he looked pretty adorable when he was working out. One thing that troubled me was that we had to wear short sleeve tees and basketball shorts, which made Vincent's willowy physique more visible.

But the real trouble I had was how girls were staring at him. One freshmen and one junior, both friends who's names are Jenna and Aria, were staring and talking and laughing and blushing. I knew what they were thinking, I'm not that stupid or ignorant when it comes to how girls look at guys.

Their stares made me jealous, if I'm honest. I didn't like how they stared at him. I just wish I could tell everyone and shout at the top of my lungs that Vincent is mine.

Their looks were full of lust, I could tell. Lust for Vincent.

As warm ups ended, I got a little closer to Vincent as we began to stretch. I wanted those girls to back the hell off.

At this point, I didn't care who saw and who didn't. I leaned over, and hugged Vincent, resting my head on his shoulder lovingly, squeezing his waist to me gently. I could feel his body heat against mine, and sensed he was blushing.

When I released before the teacher noticed, I quickly glanced over at the girls. They were staring and whispering, but weren't backing off.

At the end of class, after we'd changed into our normal clothes and left the locker room, the two girls walked up to Vincent and I.

"Um, hey. My names Jenna and I just wanted to say you're like, really attractive. Here's my number," the shorter girl, the freshman, said while handing Vincent a scrap of paper.

I could tell Vincent was speechless and became panicked.

The girls smiled and walked away.

I looked at Vincent and he was bright red, but I couldn't read the expression he had on his face. It was almost like confusion, but disbelief.

"Vince?" I said. He didn't reply. I shook him, and he looked at me.

"I.. I think i feel sick," he said weakly.

"What happened?"

"I-I c-can't.... i can't be a-around girls I-I just can't d-do it."

He stuttered and swayed back and forth. I grabbed his shoulders to steady him. Helping him to his third period, geometry which was the class down the hall and to the left of my science classroom, I held his arm over my shoulder to support him.

The teacher and students didn't take much note of us. It wasn't surprising they didn't, but it kind of sparked anger inside me that they didn't care about me having to help Vincent simply walk and sit down.

When he sat down, he closed his eyes as he slowly swayed, and laid his head on the desk.

"Vince?" I called. He was shaking. I didn't think Vincent was that afraid of girls, but that's what happens when you're not around a lot on top of not being very social. I guess he didn't have the strength to talk to anyone, especially girls. He seemed drained.

"Vince, are you okay?"

"Y-you...... should get.. to class, Oliver. I think I'll be.. um.. okay.. maybe."

He lifted his head up a little and his eyes were dropping. He wasn't doing good.

"Vince, you need to get help, or go home at least."

I helped him back out of his seat and out the classroom. We went down to the nurses room, and helped him sit on the bed that was in there.

It didn't look comfortable by any means, covered in plastic and shaped weird combined with the hard cushion it had that was probably freezing, but it was enough for Vince to lay down.

The nurse asked him to try and stay awake while she took his temperature and checked him for anything. He was still shaking, but not really stuttering. It was like he was going to pass out.

Just after I had this thought and she took his temp, he fell asleep on the bed.

"What's his name?" She asked me.

"Vincent. Vincent Darrins."

"And yours?"

"Oliver Young."

"Okay." She took a late pass and wrote Vincent's name on one, then my name on one and handed it to me.

"He doesn't have a fever, but it's more like a panic attack combined with exhaustion. It doesn't seem serious, he may just need to rest, but I'll check on him when he wakes up. Thank you for bringing him here."

I nodded and left, taking a final glance at Vincent before returning to third period.

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