15 • Vincent

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I just wanted to forget.

Oliver walked along side me, holding tightly onto my hand as we trailed back to my house.

My mom wasn't supposed to be home for another two weeks, so Oliver decided to stay over and comfort me so I wouldn't feel alone and upset.

When we finally got back, I set my things down in the kitchen and sighed.

"I just remembered we don't have much food. I'm sorry, I hadn't thought about that," I said, turning towards Oliver who was setting his stuff down next to mine.

"No worries, I've got some money from doing chores and babysitting so we can just walk to the store and get something," he gave a bright smile. I frowned. I didn't want him paying for something he didn't need to for me.

"You don't have to, I can find something to make you."

"Nah, we'll go. I know how to make really good quesadillas or I can make something else if you want."

I stood there. He was such an amazing person, I couldn't even begin to describe it. He saved me, was willing to stay and fight for me, cook for me, he even wanted to pay for food for me which no one ever really did. He didn't eat that much anyways.

I walked up to him and hugged him. He hugged back, resting his forehead against mine.

"I love you, Vincent. You need to eat."

I closed my eyes and breathed. His scent was sweet, and his breath was minty and crisp. He was such a beautiful person it was almost unbearable.

"I love you Oliver."

After another moment, we released each other and started walking towards the store down the street.

We got supplies for rice and chicken quesadillas along with things to bake cookies together.

I wasn't much of a cook, but I loved baking.

As we walked back to the house, we talked about the times when we were little and funny, but also embarrassing, stories of ourselves.

I never knew Oliver was the kind of kid to fall asleep while eating.

I told him about how when I was a baby and learned to walk, I'd go to the bottom drawer in our kitchen and take out all the pots and pans, put a pot or strainer on my head, and sit in the drawer. It was an odd thing, but my mother always thought it was hilarious and cute. She even took a picture.

Once we made it back to the house, around 6:30 pm, we waisted no time in our cooking.

I got out the rice cooker and began putting the rice grains and water into it. Oliver began cooking the chicken, being extra careful to make sure it was cooked to perfection so i wouldn't get sick.

It was no later than 7 o'clock that dinner was prepared for the two of us.

"Wow this is really good!" I told him in between bites. I never had any "home Cooked" or "home-y" dinners, not since I was young. This was a pleasant surprise and so kind of him.

"Thank you. You're not bad yourself Mr. Rice Cooker!" He said. We both laughed, and finished our meals in no time.

It was odd to think this was my Monday. Last week, i was sitting here with my mom while she ate ramen and I had to listen to her complain about the school's schedule changes and how late they wanted to run art club.

Now I'm here with Oliver eating a delicious home cooked meal we made together and sharing memories and jokes.

It was almost like a dream. If I was completely honest, this whole cooking for me thing kinda turned me on. He cared enough to go through all this trouble for me. Plus, him in a cute cooks apron was almost the most attractive thing I've seen.

We stood up, and I washed the dishes as he got the baking supplies ready.

I finished early since there was only two cups and two plates, and turned around to see him sliding the apron on over his head.

"You look hot in that apron Oli," I smirked. He chuckled and did a silly pose.

"You think? Aprons do kinda suit me don't they?"

I laughed and walked up to him. He grabbed my waist, and kissed my forehead. I ran my fingers through his soft hair and smiled.

Being a tease, he pulled away from me and began baking.

"These cookies aren't gonna bake themselves."

• • • •

I'm so sorry this is a kinda short chapter and I haven't wrote in like two weeks ;-;

But prepare for some smut and 1-3 more chapters today and/or tomorrow.

Thank you.

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