Has it really been 2 years

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Had it really been 2 years with out her it seems like only yesterday I was dancing with her at her 18 birthday party. it's almost to the day that I lost her two years ago. On this day I work my hardest to find her I don't eat I don't sleep or anything I just try and find her.

I have gotten so close to finding her on multiple occasions but they all failed unfortunately for me. But I will never give up hope for finding her she is my mate my... Kitten that's it that's her nickname. And I know she will love it.


"Alpha Tobias? Are you in I, have an update on the rouge pack that has been coming on to out territory recently." Said my delta (third in command)

"George I haven't seen you in ages you must be deep into there pack by now. how have you been doing? Forgive me but what is the rouge group called?"

"I think I'm going to answer your questions in order so... I have become very close not with people there I am friends with the alpha who have some.

Very strange habits which I will tell you about in a second. I have been doing really well I have found my mate and her name is Tia Louise Drake she is the most beautiful girl in the world and I haven't told her about any of this yet but planing to do when this is all over. The rouge PACK is called The red bullet rouge pack sir."


Has it really been 1 year and 360 days? Wow. Before you start calling me horrible names yes I have had sex with a couple of men but I had to it was in the contract an did he slipped up I could go home and be with my sex god mate.

The only way I got through having sex with though's men was to put his face in them but through out time I have forgotten his face.

I have learnt to lock the past away I can no longer remember what he looked like I can not remember most of my past now. If I hear his name I just shut down and reboot like a robot. I have been like this for over a year I have been running on auto pilot some would say.

Don't judge it was the only way to make the pain in my chest go away. Also the only way for him to stop feeling the pain of me not being faithful but we Arn't mated but he would still feel a substantial bit of pain, not mush but it's still there.

We need to get off this subject because when I talk about this for to long I just shut down and it's not a pleasant experience to be frank with you.

And to please you even more I have miscarried 11 times and worst of all I have had an ectopic pregnancy. This is when the baby grows in you fallopian tubes and stretches them so you feel extreme pain and the baby dies but you have to have it taken out through surgery most times as well as your fallopian tube, but I was lucky I didn't have to get it removed.

But since he signed the contract no one has raped or grouped Hope nor have they done anything to harm her but they have come close so really it's a waiting game.

But I think the game will be over soon I hope since at the age of 21 a woman goes through her heat. This is to help her mate or mates find her. And I only have a year left.

I have to do something soon so I can be with my mate but will I even be able to be with him, I still can't think about him with out either shutting down or breaking down in tears I have got to fix that.


"Did you just say red bullet rouge pack?"

"Yea what's up with you? You look like out want to rip my head off and kiss me. By the way I don't really want you to do either of them. And I was wondering if my mate could me accepted here?"

"Yeah of corse she can but first let's get back to the matter at hand! What are his strange habits? I want full details. NOW!" I said the last part in alpha command do he would have to tell me.

I wanted to tell him about my mate being kidnapped by that particular rouge pack but that will make him miss out important details so I thought it would be easier to just not tell him for the moment.

"Well he has these 2 girls that are quite hot but when I see them it's not like I have any desire towards them at all it's like I feel like they are my family. it's weird! Well he treats one like a sex doll to be honest and he has to leave the other alone because of some contract someone made him sign.

The one he treats like a sex doll is Celeste I think that's her name but I think she used to be called some thing else...... it will come to me in a minute she has dirty blonde hair and blue eyes and men say She had a nice rack but I feel if I look at it I will be purving on my mother or something like that so I don't really look.

The other girl you can see that she used to be beaten but no one has layed a hand on her since he signed the contract. wait now I think of it she kinda looks like... shit it's hope! Dude I found you sister!" He said with one of the biggest smiles on his face I have seen in a while. I turned around to look at some papers so not to show my sadness for him not finding my mate.

"Its awesome dude! Well that's all good but I need you t...." I said this with as much enthusiasm I had in me.

"Payton no it's CELESTE that's what it was I knew I would remember it! Payton wasn't her real name it was her middle name and Celeste is her real name." My ears pricked at her name, I instantly turned around.

"MATE" my mate. MY MATE was being treated like a sex doll!!! How dare he treat my mate like that she deserves to be treated with the upmost respect!

"Omg I have found the 2 people you have been looking for, for ages I think I deserve a medal to be honest. I know she deserves the upmost respect for her that's why I refused to have sex with her 1 because I would be wrong to take advantage I a person in that situation 2 because as soon as I saw her I wanted to protect her with my life.

But the best part is I know how to save your mate"


Hii guys I know it has been a long wait and all but I hope this makes up for it but just to warn you the next chapter is going to be much shorter than this one.

But if you want to read another one of my books Check out kiss me slowly only just started writing it so it's like just she intros for some the characters.


M Xxxx

Don't forget to vote and comment please I want to know what you guys think of the book it want to know how I'm doing. love all my beauties

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