Junior Year

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Chapter 3: Junior Year

                The alarm clock in Hades’ room rang loudly at seven in the morning. Hades’ hand shot out of the blankets and slammed on the alarm clock. Two minutes after it finally stopped ringing Hades sat up from his bed. He rubbed the sleep off his eyes. It was the first day of school, and like before, Hades is the one usually waking the other two gods up, if the alarm clock didn’t wake them up first.

                Now that they were in different rooms, it would require a little more effort on Hades’ case. After taking a shower he headed towards Poseidon’s room, opting to wake the least stubborn first.

                He approached his brother’s bed. Poseidon was asleep on his side one of his legs hanging out of the bed. Hades smiled at the sight of his brother. When they were younger, they use to sleep beside each other and his brother didn’t move as much as when he had slept. He shook his brother’s shoulder.

                “Don,” Hades said “It’s seven. Time to wake up”

                Poseidon groaned but sat up.

                “Morning” he said groggily

                “Morning” Hades said “it’s the first day.”

                “Yeah, can’t wait” Poseidon said like a true teenager early in the morning, half alert and groggy. Hades left as Poseidon started to get ready. Now time for the hard one. He entered Zeus’ room with Zeus sprawled on his bed.

                “Zeus” Hades said tapping his brother’s arm. Zeus didn’t budge. Hades tried again. He just shifted to the right.

                Hades started to get frustrated. He looked around his brother’s room. and found an air horn. This should be fun Hades thought.

                He took the air horn and went beside Zeus’ bed. Should he do this?

                Hades shrugged then pressed the top of the airhorn.


                “Di Immortales!!!” a rumpled pile of Zeus fell into the floor. Zeus glared at Hades from his little spot on the floor. “What was that for!!!”

                “You wouldn’t wake up”

                “You could’ve nudged me or something”

                “Tried that you still wouldn’t wake up.”

                “Try it again?”

                Hades shrugged “Well we’re about to be late if you don’t wake up soon.”

                Hades left the room and Zeus put a pillow over his head.

                “If you don’t get up, I’ll get Poseidon to get the water bucket!!!”


                The three gods stood in front of the familiar building. It didn’t change that much from when they were there a year or two before they went there. They entered the doors and was met by a girl with a very happy personality.

                “Good Morning!” she said “What year?”

                “Junior” Poseidon said

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