A blinded love

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Jeremy’s POV

I woke up with a groan escaping my parched lips. I had such a nice dream. Both my arms felt like a ton and I couldn’t move an inch. I looked to my left and saw that an IV was in it, making a face at the needle buried in my skin. I turned to my right and did a huge double take, my heart squirming in frenzy when I recognized a familiar girl sleeping on my arm.

The most beautiful girl I had laid eyes on.

Happiness filled my heart as I stared at the sleeping girl. I can’t believe she makes me feel so happy just by being there with me. I looked around the area I was in, judging by the IV and that fact that Holly was asleep-I was in a hospital ward.

And that’s why I can’t feel my right arm, Holly was sleeping on it. I wonder how long she slept-judging by the numbness-I guess it was a few hours. Her cheek was leaning on my arm and her arms were carelessly thrown over my stomach as if it was just a normal thing to do. I stared at her, apparently shocked.

‘Holly? Holly, can you like move please? You’re crushing my arm and I don’t really want to lose both arms you know,’ I whispered to her, my voice getting a little raspy. Groaning a little, I shifted my left hand over and ran my hand through her short hair. A startled gasp ran escaped my lips and I quickly hid it in case some nosy person heard me-I wouldn’t want to be caught marvelling at the beauty asleep on me, her hair was so soft and it felt so damn nice. A pang spread through my chest.

She shifted a little ways to the right and I was able to see part of her face so without thinking rationally, I brushed her hair off and continued staring at her. She looked so peaceful and a small smile was playing on her pale lips and I resisted the urge to kiss her. How can someone be so beautiful and breath-taking while sleeping? It was such a crime.

As I sighed and shook my head to clear a little of my jumbled thoughts, she started murmuring something in her sleep and I couldn’t help it-she sounded so cute just like that-I grinned and chuckled, earning a strangled gasp as I felt the wound in my side scream in pain. Holly jerked awake as she heard me and her head turned towards the direction of my voice, her eyes a little bit lower than I intended.

Her eyes were crystal blue, the most unusual blue I have ever seen and they held me in place just like the first time they did when I first met her. ‘Jeremy?’ she asked hesitantly, one of her hands trailing towards my right arm. ‘Are you finally awake?’ Finally awake? What did she mean by that?

I grasped her hand tightly. ‘Yeah I’m awake, Holly,’ I said softly, smiling a little at her concern. I saw the cut on her neck, alarm rose inside me and panic settled in. ‘How long was I out? What happened to that man? How did I get here? I’m sorry Holly; I couldn’t’ protect you!’

She smiled slightly at my rushed words and she squeezed my hand a little, the slight pressure informing me that she was fine. I sighed in relief but I wasn’t really convinced. She looked a little troubled as she was frowning and her lips were curled in one corner. ’Holly?’

As she was about to open her mouth to say something, the door of the ward burst open to reveal Kenny, Alexis and another woman who looked a lot like Holly. All of them entered quickly as they saw me awake on the bed and swiftly called a nurse to check up on me. A doctor and a nurse entered the ward, walking towards me and checking my vitals.

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