A blinded reprieve

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Two years ago, senior year. After Sylvia’s meltdown in the music room.


I walked into the school hallways alone since Mum had dropped me off and Kenny had some business to attend to for his rugby game tonight. Everyone around me were busy talking to each other and some of them were gossiping about me.

I knew why.

Rumours about me. Rumours have been going on around school after Blake rejected her at the music room. She was jealous. Furiously jealous of me. Even after so many attempts of letting Blake see her, he was already in love with someone else. That I cannot do anything about.

I sighed and hugged a thick book tighter to my chest. My bestfriend hated me because the man she loved loves someone else other than her. I cannot phantom why she would do something like this. Love can do so many things to you.

I could hear them whispering about me.

One rumour I had heard circling around was that I had been sleeping around with the rugby boys. She wanted to make me look like a slut, a whore. She wanted my good reputation thwarted by creating stupid rumours. Any idiot can see that I was good friends with all the rugby boys.

My boots echoed slightly along the hallway, making clipped sounds on the tiles. I did a huge double take when I saw Blake leaning on my locker. What is he doing there? I could see freshmen girls a little ways away from my locker, they were huddled in a big group and they were taking peeks at Blake.

Knowing that look, I knew they wanted to talk to him. Before any of them could react, Blake peeled himself off the locker and turned in time to see me walking towards him which he broke out into a genuine smile. Glares directed at me as they saw that little exchange. I looked back at them for good measure, staring at them before turning away.

‘Hey man, what’re you doing here? I thought you got an impromptu meeting with the coach,’ I spoke to him with a slight smile, ignoring the whispers that were on-going around us. I came to school earlier than I was used to and I had around ten more minutes to wait so I leaned casually on my locker, aiming my gaze at the first-years.

They don’t look too happy.

‘Meeting was over five minutes ago pumpkin,’ he told me with a shrug. ‘Besides, I wanted to walk you to class today since we’re having the same homeroom, first period and second period together.’

I frowned slightly. ‘You don’t have to do that,’ I muttered grudgingly. ‘I don’t need to be hated by the other girls any longer.’

He chuckled. ‘I don’t really care, I like the attention.’

‘About that, what’s going to happen you know, between the two of us?’ I asked him without meeting his eye. ‘What are you going to do about this problem?’

I could feel him looking at me for a second before turning his attention away. He ran a hang through his spiked hair-a move which shows that he was nervous and tucked both hands into his jeans pocket. ‘I’m not going to do anything pumpkin. I’m just going to wait for you,’ he told me.

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