I having a beautiful sleep❤️ until I heard Bubble Guppies Playing. I sat up and saw kyaii watching bubble guppies on me and kev flat tv,while sitting between us. "Baby how you get in the bed?"I asked rubbing my eyes. She looked at me smiling,looking into her eyes, there beautiful there hazel but looks grey. "Good morning mommy" she said giggling at the show she sat on my lap and gave me a kiss, I smiled. "Good morning baby, but how u get on this big bed?" I asked once again she smiled and said "Daddy came and got me in the middle night because.....I was scared" I smiled and kissed her head.
I got out of bed and went in the bathroom, got in the shower and put on.....
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(hair & Outfit👆🏽👆🏽)
I came out and the doorbell rang. Kyaii being my little shadow followed me😍. I opened the door and it was Daniel. "Daniel hi" I said leading him in then hugging him. "Hey Mamacita" I laughed "uncle Danny" Kyaii yelled running to him he picked her up and kissed her cheek. "Where's Kevin?" He asked looking confused " he is upstairs sleep that's why it's so quiet....for now" we laughed Kyaii came up to me and said "mommy I feel UGHHH can I take a bath" I smiled I picked her up going upstairs, "u can make yourself at home" even tho I didn't have to say nun the boys always act like this is their home also😂😂😂
I gave Kyaii a bath and she wore.....
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(Hair & Outfit👆🏽)
She went back downstairs with Daniel and I guess they were playing because I heard Kyaii laughing/giggling. I went into me and kev room and he was awake on his phone, " Goodmoring Daddy" I smirked walking next to him. "I like the sound of that" he laughed I bent down and kissed him.
He pulled me on top of him, we started kissing, "babe...Kyaii...and...Daniel...are downstairs" I giggled between kisses. "Really? When did Daniel get here?" I got off top of him "like 10 mins ago before I put Kyaii in the tube" he got up and I guess go in the shower because I heard the water. 20 mins Later Kev came out with a towel around his waist he looked in the drawer for boxers and clothes and changed into....
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(Hair & Outfit👆🏽)
We went downstairs and Kyaii ran to kev he picked her up and kissed her cheek. " daddy guess what" "what baby girl" he smiled "Me and momma are are going to uncle Devin house" he looked at me " really well mommy didn't tell me that" he laughed. He put Kyaii on his lap while he at on the couch and they was just having a conversation for like 30 mins it's so cute how Kyaii and kev get along so well and they look so much alike.
I grabbed my keys "Come on kev and Kyaii you to Daniel we're going to Devin's house for a BBQ" they all got up and hopped in the car. "You driving?" I asked Kevin "Yeah sure" we got in the car pulled out the drive way and went to Devin's house😊