Chapter 25

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I got to Dev house and walked in not caring at all. When I walked in I saw Daniel and Riley going to the bathroom. "Hey wassup bro" Dev greets me I gave him a "bro hug". "So did you tell royal about the 4 months?" His face softened "yeah I did she's not so happy about it" I nodded "I'm so scared to tell Maria and Kai,remember last time they never lefted the house" Dev looked at me and shook is head "same here but you have to tell her today because we leave tomorrow" he walked away I sat on the couch and I heard Daniel and Riley yelling.

"I don't care you always leaving I feel like your gonna cheat on me" I heard Riley sobbing  "what the fuck Riley I wouldn't do that to you I will call text and FaceTime you everyday" I heard her sniff "ok can I ......go home now?" "Yeah I'll take you gimme a kiss"

I sat back down on the couch like I didn't hear anything "I'll be right back" Daniel said grabbing his keys I nodded "bye kev" Riley started whipping her tears, I waved. "Hey kev when you get here?" Royal asked I got up hugged her "just like 10 or 20 mins ago" I chuckled "how are you" "I'm......ok I guess" I looked at her confused "what's wrong?" She looked at me "kev I'm pregnant and Devin is leaving me for 4 months that too long, his going to miss all of my appointments" she started tearing up. I grabbed her hand "it's ok royal you'll get use to it don't worry he'll come to the other appointments I know for sure" she smiled "thank you kev" I nodded "anytime but can you tell dev to come down we have to go to the studio" she walked upstairs and told dev to come down.

"Wassup you ready?" Dev got his keys "Yeaa" we walked to our cars got in and drove off to the dance studio.

Maria POV

I was playing with Kai in the front room while watching spongebob. "Hey mommy when is daddy going on tour?" She asked me out of the blue "ummm not sure baby why?" "Because I don't want him to leave why can't he never stay home with us?" I looked at her and smirked "because daddy has work he get lots of money for doing what he doing so he can provide for me and you baby, and when he go on tour you can probably ask him can you go" she smiled widely "really will you come too?" I smiled "no baby" she frowned "oh" "but we can still FaceTime each other" she smiled and hugged me "I love you mommy" "I love you more baby" she kissed me.

I was about to grab my phone when someone was knocking on the door. I got up and opened it. I rolled my eyes "what do you want?" Noah smiled "hey to you too and ooh you look sexy in that shirt" he said licking his lips. I frowned "why are you here I'm having time with my daughter" he smiled "really I wanna meet her" I let him in "hey cutie" he smiled to Kai "mommy who is this man in the house that's not daddy?" I laughed "Kai this is Noah mommies friend Noah this is.." He cut me off "Kai I know The Kevin Alston Daughter, your more prettier in person" I looked at him and gave him a little smile with a little bit of an eye roll.

"Kai go back in the living room I'll be there soon" she nodded and ran. "So how did you find out were I lived?" He chuckled "it's all over the internet" I nodded walking to the kitchen "so what are you doing here any way?" He looked up at me and moved closer in front of me. "To express my feelings" I huffed and walked away he pulled my arms "no here me out" I looked at him "omg make it quick" rolling my eyes.

"I know it's kinda too early to tell you this, but Maria I have feelings for you, I like you allot actually I fucking love you girl, I want us to work out and actually be together I will treat you better then that Kevin guy does just come with me and we can have a perfect life" he grabbed my neck and lean in. I lean back but he kept coming closer so I pushed him.

"That was very sweet but no I can't I have a family" he rolled his eyes and pecked my lips constantly no I didn't kiss back I kept trying to pull away but his to strong.

Kevin POV

I just got out of the studio practicing for the tour tomorrow I got out my car and and saw some Mercedes parked in the drive way. I frowned I walked to the porch and struggled with the keys until I found it I opened the door and saw Maria pushed this Noah dude.

"Hey baby" I said looking at Noah she came up to me and hugged me tight then kissed my neck. "This is Kevin good to see you in person" I looked him up and down "why is he here" "he was just leaving right Noah?" He nodded walking to the door. "Nice meeting you and Maria hope we link again" he winked at her, I closed the door and went to our room. Maria followed behind of course.

"Where is Kai?" "She's in her room" I started packing cloths for tomorrow and Maria looked at me confused. "Baby what are you doing?" I looked at her forgetting I didn't tell her. "Your not leaving me right" she started tearing up "no baby I just have something to tell you" I sat on the edge of the bed and patted the seat next to me. She sat on my lap instead.

"Ok look tomorrow me and the guys leave for tour and our plane leaves at 5am and we're going to be gone for 4 to 5 months" she started crying "but my birthday?" I whipped her tears "I know baby I'm gonna for sure be here for that" she smiled and kissed me

"I love you Kevin" "love you Marie" we kissed once again. Now how am I going to tell Kai she's gonna be more upset then Maria.

(AN: sorry I haven't been updated kinda busy with school and stuff but I'll update soon so STAY GIZZY❤️❤️🤘🏼)

Also Follow My Main account @yofavv.erii and my tbd fan page @tbd_gizzylyfe thx enjoy👊🏼😎


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2016 ⏰

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