I woke up next to Kevin, I sat up and looked at a sleeping kev. He was laying on his back wit his arms behind his head under the pillow. I wrapped my legs around his waist straddling him,then I started running my hand up and down his chest all the way down to his V line. I started kissing his neck giving him hickies. Kevin opened his eyes and smirked, he grabbed my waist and flipped us over now he is on top of me.
"What you doing up so early?" He asked kissing and sucking on my neck. "I.......don't know" I said between moans. He started running his hand up and down my skin under my shirt. He started pulling my shorts off."kev wait" he stopped and looked at me confused "what about kyaii?" He moved. I pulled him back by his arm "you didn't have to move baby" he smiled and chuckled "is she awake?" I looked at the time "no cuz everyday she wake up at like 11 and it's 8:45am now" I said starting to pull him on me again. "Ok so we have lots of time" we laughed next thing you know we was naked. 1:45pm afternoon I woke up in my bed naked all alone. I heard laughing downstairs. I got up got in the shower washed my hair and body I shaved and put on......
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I put my hair in a messy bun and went downstairs. While I was walking to the living room I saw royal,D'shawn,Kevin,jazzy,Daniel,and kyaii. I wonder where Devin is?. "Hey guys" I smiled "mommy" kyaii ran to me and she was wearing
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(Hair and clothes)
"Awwwn baby you look so pretty who dresses you up?" I asked she looked at Royal. "Thanks royal" she smiled holding D'Shawn " your welcome Kevin had her wearing high waist shorts and his shirt saying it's ok" I opened my mouth wide and laughed "babe you was go have my baby looking like a bum?" I asked "nah I thought she looked nice" he said holding his hands up in defense. "Oh shut up" me and royal said at the same time.
I sat on the side of Kevin on the couch kyaii and D was playing on the rug. I turned the tv on and turned to nickaloadon spongebob was on. "So where is dev?" I asked royal "he's at the dentist"she looked at her watch "he should be on his way here" I nodded "DANIEL" I yelled everyone jumped and D screamed royal grabbed him. "WHAT" he yelled "stop yelling in my fucking house" he yelled I eye wide him cuz why is he cursing in front of kyaii. "This is my house to and babe language" I hit his chest. I went in the kitchen to go get water and the door bell ring. "It might be Devin I'll get it" kev got up and opened the door. He looked at whoever it is so worried and scared.
Who do y'all think it is??😊🤘🏼😳🤔 also I know it's short I'm busy with school and cheer also dance.