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(D Gords House) Ok side note Devin has a wife and no kids😎this is his wife👇🏽
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Her Name Is Royal and she is 23 she have a 2 year old son but not by devin👎🏼his name is D'Shawn but we call him D🤘🏼😋 and yes dev treats him likes it's his own son.
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(Ok back to the story)
Maria POV We pulled up to Devin's house and everyone was outside in the back and the front. We got out the care and mama Shana came up to us greeting us and kissing kyaii everywhere while kyaii laugh. Me kev and kyaii walked to the back and kyaii ran to Devin, he walked up to us"Heys guys didn't think y'all would make it" he smiled hugging me and giving Kevin a "bro hug" " what made you think we wasn't coming?" I laughed "bcuz kev is lazy asl" we laughed kyaii went to go play with jazzy and royal son. I went in the kitchen and saw royal fixing D'Shawn a sippy cup. "Royal I haven't seen Uu in forever" I hugged her she laughed "same here girl" we sat down at the island and talked a little "So how's life?" I asked "Oh nothing D'Shawn is turning 3 next week me and dev had been great and we our having a family vacation to Florida In 2 weeks after D'Shawn birthday" she said smiling playing wit her long nails "omg I hope you guys have fun and what is he doing for his birthday?" I asked
"We just might have a little party for him and his friend Lavell is gonna spend anight with him maybe kyaii can come" she laughed "I Dont know I'll see what we doing" I laughed dev,kev, and Daniel came in and dev stood next to royal Daniel sat on the counter and kev stood by me.i put my arm around his waist while he leaned down and kissed me. "Where is D'Shawn sippy cup cuz jazzy said he wants it" dev told royal she gave it to jazzy and she ran outside. "Eww I need a girlfriend" Daniel said "what made you say that?" Kev said he pointed at dev and royal and they were kissing he started kissing her Neck "dev stop" she giggled. We were just staring at them. After 20 min of talking to the boys they went back outside. "So how have life been for you Maria" she smiled typing on her phone then sitting it down.
"Same here me and Kevin is great I have a new job,I'm having a photo shoot for Victoria Secret,also kyaii is starting pre-k in 2 months when school start and kev and the guys going on tour next month" I smiled "wow seem like y'all having a good life" she picked up her Phone again someone was calling her "hold on I have to take this" she looked annoyed when she said it
I was bout to walk back outside and I heard her yelling "no it's all your fault and I don't care he is my fucking baby you wanted to be with some lil hoe and forget about D'Shawn so bye....I don't care I don't care.......NO NIGGA YOU CANT SEE HIM NO MORE DAMN SO STOP ASKING...... that's yo Bitch in the background......you know what fuck you"
I walked out and walked up to dev "hey tori" (maria middle name) "hey dev royal doesn't sound happy she arguing with someone on the phone" he put the burgers down and told Daniel to finish them, he walked in the house. "Mommy mommy" kyaii ran to me and grabbed my hand "yes baby?" I asked "I'm hungry" I fixed her a burger because she hates hotdogs I gave it to her and she sat by jazzy, jazzy was putting kyaii on her snapchat. 3 hours later (10:45pm) I was getting kyaii ready so we can go home I put her in the car buckled her in. Kev came behind me when I closed the door "I love you" he said huggin me and grabbing my ass I giggled "I love You More baby" he leaned down and kissed me. I put my arms around his neck and pulled him down more because I didn't want not just one peck. (Maria:5'2 and kev is 5'11) we heard someone clear their throat, I looked and it was Daniel. "You coming kev?" He asked "where you going?" I asked "to a party I promise I won't be all up on no girl" I looked at him then Daniel,kyaii raised down the window "mommy hurry up please" we laughed she raised it back up. "Ok fine don't come home drunk cuz if you do stay with Daniel or lay on the couch at home" I kissed his cheek Daniel laughed and they walked away. I got in the car and drove home. I got kyaii out the car and we went inside.
I put her in the tub she put on some shorts and a tank top and hoped in my bed instantly Turing on Nickaloadon. I got in the shower and put on one of kev shirts and some booty shorts you can bearly see my ass. I got in the bed wit kyaii watching tv with her until she fell asleep. I took her in her room and put her in her bed, I turned her tv on just in case she wakes up and be scared, I went back in my room and went to sleep.
Me,kev,Daniel,Shari,Lexi,and the sianngie twins went to a club and I drunk like 2 glass of vodka I'm not trynna go home drunk. We all took a picture and I captioned it "Turning Up Tonite W/ Gizzy Gang" @lucki_starr @danielveda @devin_gordon @sianngietwins " I posted it. This one girl came up to me blonde hair thick ass hell she cute too. "Hey you kevin right?" She asked I nodded "wassup ma,what's yo name?" I said looking her up and down biting my lip SHE FINE ASF BRO. "My name is reneè but call me riri" she shook my hand. "Riri i like it" she laughed sharii came over "um kev who is this?" She asked looking at riri disgusted. "Sorry this yo girl.....mariaa right? She asked "no im not his girl im his big sister, now kev lets go you need to get home" she grabbed my arm and dragged me, riri walked away smirking i winked.
We got in devins SUV they drove me home first of course. I went upstairs in me and maria room,changed into some basketball shorts no shirt black socks (HE HATES FEET) brush my teeth and got in bed with my girl. I got under the cover and grabbed her waist she moved close to me,turned around and put her hands on my chest still sleeping,i kissed her forehead and feel asleep thinking.......
Why am i worried bout how pretty riri is when i got a thick,beautiful,caring,bad bitch,crazy girl at home?