Maria POV Me and kev was at Daniels house. It was me,Kevin,Devin,royal, and Daniel. We were laughing and just talking having a good time. "So kyaii is turning 5 this week and I don't know what to do?" Royal eyes was widened "omg I know what you should do.....You should rent out a place,have a big party everyone there and get her favorite characters there" I smiled "that's a great idea and since D'Shawn never got his party we can probably do it together" I said she clapped her hands and hugged "girls" Daniel whispered "Daniel one day your gonna find the one and have bout like 2 kids" I laughed "no I ain't having no damn kids" he laughed kev and dev shook their head.
I looked at the time (6:00pm) "oh shit kev baby we have to go get kyaii from my moms" I said grabbing my things."come on kev royal ill text you about the party" she nodded we hugged them bye and lefted.
When we picked kyaii up from my moms she was happy as always. "You had fun baby?" I asked with my eyes on the road. "Daddy mommy granny joe took me to McDonald's and I told her how I start school after my birthday and she said she was going to buy me toys." I nodded kev got his phone out,it was a red light he went on snapchat and we all took a picture I smiled,kev did his usual pose (y'all digaz should know🙈💕) and kyaii was cheesing very hard with her eyes closed. He snapped the picture saved it and posted it on instgram and twitter saying: @keviekev125 My Favorite Girls☺️💕~ Instgram: @keviekev- My Family Is The Best Bro😘😎. I liked both picture and commented heart emojis my phone and Kevin's phone was blowing up.
We got home and kyaii instantly went to her room. I took my J's off lefted them in front of the door. While I was in the kitchen looking for food "hey baby we should take family pictures tomorrow" I looked at him "are you sure? Right before kyaii birthday?" He nodded "yeah so we can have at least some pictures of the family because in the living room all you see if kyaii" we both laughed "yeah sure we can do that tomorrow what color you trynna wear" he came up behind me and put his head in the crook of my neck "how about Blue and black?" I nodded I turned around and put my arms around his neck. "Sure" I whispered he leaned down (kev:5'11 Me:5'2) he pressed his lips on mine. Our lips moved in sync. After our 2 min make out session I pulled away "I love you so much" I said squeezing his face together "eww stop" he moved my hands " and i love you more beautiful" I smacked his face softly laughing "I always do that so Get Used To This" I sang he smacked my butt I turned around and punched his chest "why do you always think your stronger then me" he laughed pulling my hair I grabbed his hair yep I jumped I little and I started punching his face not hard where I beat his ass but soft "kev this is real so don't be pulling my hair until I'm bald" I laughed we let go and fixed our self. Out of no where he hugged me a hug that seems like he needed. Me and kev have a loving relationship we adore one another and he liked to play fight which is the best with him but That's My Baby so☺️💍💕.
We pulled away and kyaii came in the kitchen jumping on the counter. "Mommy I want ice cream for dinner" I looked at her like WTF. " no your going to eat pizza then ice cream" I smiled "I guess even though you can just give me the ice cream then pizza" me and kev laughed "then babygirl your stomach will heart" she looked at him "daddy I'm going to be a big girl this week I'm going to be 5 and I want to be going on tour with you for my birthday." She said will sass she folded her hands and smiled at me no she didn't ask him she told him what was gonna happen. "Well you can't go on tour because you have to stay here with mommy" she frowned I looked at Kevin "babe I'll be fine she can go" he looked at me "ok don't miss us to much" he said smiling kyaii got up on the counter and started playing with Kevin's face. "See look even she does it" he said playfully rolling his eyes I smiled ordering pizza. I guess my babies are leaving me after kyaii birthday party. I'm gonna miss them so much.
The pizza got here 20 mins later we ate,kyaii changed into her shorts and a tank top. I changed into a tank top and shorts also and kev wore his basketball shorts with no shirt. I got in bed and wat he's a little bit of tv. Kev was laying on my stomach while I play in his hair. He turned his head and started biting my stomach I gasp "Kevin stop" I said soft talking "no" he kept doing it I pulled his hair "stop Kevin that hurts" he looked at me "Ouch" I Poped him in his mouth he got next to me and put his face in my neck. He started giving me hickies big ones. I moaned,"Kevin.....stop" I moaned and groaned he smirked under the marks he was giving me.
While he sucking and biting I get a phone call kev rolled his eyes. "I'll call them back tomorrow" I pulled him on top of me. He started kissing my soft spot and I moaned louder. He took my tank top off I took his shorts off he started grinding on me. I took control this time Igor on top of him and started giving him hickies. He groans and took my shorts off.
Not gonna go into detail just know I was screaming Kevin's name all night☺️💍🙈👅💦
Sorry it's short I'm kinda not in a mood to write because I just found out my friend died
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